A small example of extending the time formatting functionality of the JS Date object

  • 2020-03-30 00:42:20
  • OfStack

Introduce the code in its own JS code:

Date.prototype.format =function(format)
    var o = {
            "M+" : this.getMonth()+1, //month
            "d+" : this.getDate(), //day
            "h+" : this.getHours(), //hour
            "m+" : this.getMinutes(), //minute
            "s+" : this.getSeconds(), //second
            "q+" : Math.floor((this.getMonth()+3)/3), //quarter
            "S" : this.getMilliseconds() //millisecond
        format=format.replace(RegExp.$1,(this.getFullYear()+"").substr(4- RegExp.$1.length));
    for(var k in o)
        if(new RegExp("("+ k +")").test(format))
            format = format.replace(RegExp.$1,RegExp.$1.length==1? o[k] :("00"+ o[k]).substr((""+ o[k]).length));
    return format;

The method is as follows:

Var dt = new Date();
Var nowDate = dt.format(" yyyy-mm-dd hh: MM :ss");

You get the current time :2013-12-02 14:02:11

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