slice of method analysis of String objects in javascript

  • 2020-05-07 19:14:25
  • OfStack

This paper analyzes slice() method of String object in javascript in detail. Share with you for your reference. Specific analysis is as follows:

This method intercepts a segment of a string and returns a new string of intercepted characters.

Note: the original string will not change. The return value is 1 new string.
syntax structure:


parameter list:

参数 描述
start  必需。规定从何处开始截取字符串。字符串的首字符的位置是0。
end  可选。规定在何处结束截取字符串。

instance code:

Example 1:

var a="abcdefgmnlxyz";

Intercepts a string between the positions "2" and "3", but the character d corresponding to the position "3" is not included in the intercept return. Output :c.
Example 2:

var a="abcdefgmnlxyz";

If the second argument is omitted, all characters from position "2" to the end of the string are intercepted. Output :cdefgmnlxyz.

I hope this article has been helpful to your javascript programming.

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