Instructions for the fs.openSync method in node.js

  • 2020-05-07 19:13:15
  • OfStack

method description: ().


fs.openSync(path, flags, [mode])

Since this method belongs to fs module, fs module (var fs= require(" fs ") needs to be introduced before use.)

receive parameters:

path         file path

flags         can be the following values

'r' -   Open the file in read mode.
'r+' - Open the file in read/write mode.
'rs' - Open and read the file in synchronous mode. Instructs the operating system to ignore the local file system cache.
'rs+' - Open and read synchronously and Write to a file.
'w' - Open the file in read mode and create it if it does not exist
'wx' - and ' w ' model 1 Returns failure if the file exists
'w+' - Open the file in read/write mode and create it if it does not exist
'wx+' - and ' w+ ' model 1 Returns failure if the file exists
'a' - Open the file in append mode and create it if it does not exist
'ax' - and ' a ' model 1 Returns failure if the file exists
'a+' - Open the file in read append mode and create it if it does not exist
'ax+' - and ' a+ ' model 1 Returns failure if the file exists
mode    Used to assign permissions to a file when it is created, by default 0666

source code:

fs.openSync = function(path, flags, mode) {
  mode = modeNum(mode, 438 /*=0666*/);
  return, stringToFlags(flags), mode);

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