Javascript array and dictionary usage analysis

  • 2020-05-05 10:53:23
  • OfStack

This article analyzes the Javascript array and dictionary usage as an example. Share with you for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

Javascript array Array, is both an array and a dictionary (Dictionary).

Let's start with an example of array usage.

var a = new Array();  
a[0] = "Acer"; 
a[1] = "Dell"; 
for (var i in a) { 

The above code creates an array where each element is a string object.

The array is then traversed. Note that i results in 0 and 1, a[i] results in string.

This is very much like the previous article about traversing the properties of an object.

Now let's look at the dictionary usage.

var computer_price = new Array();  
computer_price["Acer"] = 500; 
computer_price["Dell"] = 600; 

We can even traverse the array (dictionary)
as above
for (var i in computer_price) {  
    alert(i + ": " + computer_price[i]); 

i here is each key value of the dictionary. The output is:

Acer: 500

Dell: 600

Now, let's see what's interesting about Javascript, again, the example above.

We can think of computer_price as a dictionary object, and each of its key values is an attribute.

That is, Acer is an attribute of computer_price. We can use it like this: computer_price.Acer

Let's take a look at simplified declarations for dictionaries and arrays.

var array = [1, 2, 3]; //  An array of   
var array2 = { "Acer": 500, "Dell": 600 }; // The dictionary  
alert(array2.Acer); // 50

So the dictionary declaration is the same as before. In our example, Acer is again a key and an attribute of the dictionary object.

I hope that this article has been helpful to your javascript programming.

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