A simple JS time control sample code of JS time minute and second time control

  • 2020-03-29 23:54:51
  • OfStack

Oneself looked for along while to did not find only "when the minute second" control on the net, oneself made a, hair is convenient someone to use here

< img Alt = "" border = 0 SRC =" / / files.jb51.net/file_images/article/201311/20131122085438.png ">

Mouse click after the effect

SetTime. Js

*  Instructions: 
*  Start by including the control on the page  
* <script src="XXX/setTime.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
*  Control call function: _SetTime(field)
*  For example,  <input name="time" type="text"   onclick="_SetTime(this)"/>
var str = "";
document.writeln("<div id=/"_contents/" style=/"padding:6px; background-color:#E3E3E3; font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid #777777;  position:absolute; left:?px; top:?px; width:?px; height:?px; z-index:1; visibility:hidden/">");
str += "/u65f6<select name=/"_hour/">";
for (h = 0; h <= 9; h++) {
    str += "<option value=/"0" + h + "/">0" + h + "</option>";
for (h = 10; h <= 23; h++) {
    str += "<option value=/"" + h + "/">" + h + "</option>";
str += "</select> /u5206<select name=/"_minute/">";
for (m = 0; m <= 9; m++) {
    str += "<option value=/"0" + m + "/">0" + m + "</option>";
for (m = 10; m <= 59; m++) {
    str += "<option value=/"" + m + "/">" + m + "</option>";
str += "</select> /u79d2<select name=/"_second/">";
for (s = 0; s <= 9; s++) {
    str += "<option value=/"0" + s + "/">0" + s + "</option>";
for (s = 10; s <= 59; s++) {
    str += "<option value=/"" + s + "/">" + s + "</option>";
str += "</select> <input name=/"queding/" type=/"button/" onclick=/"_select()/" value=/"/u786e/u5b9a/" style=/"font-size:12px/" /></div>";
var _fieldname;
function _SetTime(tt) {
    _fieldname = tt;
    var ttop = tt.offsetTop;    //The TT control has a high registration point
    var thei = tt.clientHeight;    //The height of the TT control itself
    var tleft = tt.offsetLeft;    //The registration point width of the TT control
    while (tt = tt.offsetParent) {
        ttop += tt.offsetTop;
        tleft += tt.offsetLeft;
    document.all._contents.style.top = ttop + thei + 4;
    document.all._contents.style.left = tleft;
    document.all._contents.style.visibility = "visible";
function _select() {
    _fieldname.value = document.all._hour.value + ":" + document.all._minute.value + ":" + document.all._second.value;
    document.all._contents.style.visibility = "hidden";

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