Js creates the tag example dynamically with CreateElement

  • 2020-03-29 23:53:49
  • OfStack

The // definition method creates a label label
var createLabel = function(id, name, value) { 
var label_var = document.createElement("label"); 

var label_id = document.createAttribute("id"); 
label_id.nodeValue = id; 

var label_text = document.createTextNode(value); 

var label_css = document.createAttribute("class"); 
label_css.nodeValue = "select_css"; 

return label_var; 

// define method to create input tag (mainly Text)
//id,name,value and type respectively represent the id of the tag created,
// name, value, type
// bind Input method events in the following way (multiple event methods can be bound at the same time) :
// "onchange==alert('This Value is change success! '); |onblur==alert('This value is the beautiful one! ');"
var createInput = function(id, name, value, type, width, height, event) { 
var var_input = null; 
var input_event_attr_IE = ""; 
if (event != null && event != "") { 
var event_array_IE = event.toString().split('|'); 
for (var i = 0; i < event_array_IE.length; i++) { 
var event_IE = event_array_IE[i].split('=='); 
input_event_attr_IE += " " + event_IE[0] + "='' "; 
try {//Define variables to achieve IE6.0 and IE7.0 compatibility.
var_input = document.createElement("<input " + input_event_attr_IE + ">"); 
} catch (e) { 
var_input = document.createElement("input"); 

var input_id = document.createAttribute("id"); 
input_id.nodeValue = id; 
var input_name = document.createAttribute("name"); 
input_name.nodeValue = name; 
var input_type = document.createAttribute("type"); 
input_type.nodeValue = type; 
var input_value = document.createAttribute("value"); 
input_value.nodeValue = value; 
var input_style = document.createAttribute("style"); 
var input_style_str = ""; 

if (width != null && width != "") { 
input_style_str += "width:" + width + "px;"; 
} else { 
input_style_str += "width:30px;"; 
if (height != null && height != "") { 
input_style_str += "height:" + height + "px;"; 

if (event != null && event != "") { 
var event_array = event.toString().split('|'); 
for (var i = 0; i < event_array.length; i++) { 
var events = event_array[i].split('=='); 
var input_event = document.createAttribute(events[0]); 
input_event.nodeValue = events[1]; 

input_style.nodeValue = input_style_str; 
try { 
} catch (e) { 
width = (width == null || width == "") ? "30" : width; 
var_input.setAttribute("width", width); 
if (height != null && height != "") { 
var_input.setAttribute("height", height); 
// if (readonly != "") { 
// var input_readonly = document.createAttribute("readonly"); 
// input_readonly.nodeValue = "readonly"; 
// var_input.setAttributeNode(input_readonly); 
// } 


return var_input; 

// define method to create a Select box label;
//***** id represents the id of the tag
//***** name indicates the name of the tag
//***** options indicate options to bind to the label (e.g. "0231A563- professional services |02312177- maintenance services |... ") )
//***** * splitstr represents the character used to split the options (e.g. '|')
//***** * splitchar represents a delimiter to split a key-value pair (e.g. '-')
//***** * event represents the event corresponding to this tag (when event==null this tag does not bind to the event)
var createSelect = function(id, name, options, splitstr, splitchar, event, selectedValue) { 
var var_select = null; 
try {//Deal with IE6.0 and IE7.0 compatibility issues.
var_select = document.createElement("<select onchange='' >"); 
} catch (e) { 
var_select = document.createElement("select"); 

var select_id = document.createAttribute("id"); 
select_id.nodeValue = id; 
var select_name = document.createAttribute("name"); 
select_name.nodeValue = name; 

if (event != null && event != undefined && event != "") { 
var select_change = document.createAttribute("onchange"); 
select_change.nodeValue = event; 
try { 
var_select.setAttribute("width", "100px"); 
} catch (e) { 
var select_css = document.createAttribute("class"); 
select_css.nodeValue = "select_css"; 

splitstr = (splitstr == "" || splitstr == null) ? "|" : splitstr; 
splitchar = (splitchar == "" || splitchar == null) ? "-" : splitchar; 

if (options != null && options != undefined && options.toString() != "") { 
options = (options.toString().lastIndexOf(splitstr) + 1 == options.toString().length) ? options.toString().substr(0, options.toString().length - 1) : options; 
var arrayOption = options.toString().split(splitstr); 
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOption.length; i++) { 
var temp_value = arrayOption[i].split(splitchar); 
var option = document.createElement("option"); 
var option_value = document.createAttribute("value"); 
option_value.nodeValue = temp_value[0]; 
var option_text = document.createTextNode(temp_value[1]); 

if (selectedValue != null && selectedValue != "") { 
if (temp_value[0] == selectedValue || temp_value[1] == selectedValue) { 
var_select.options[i].selected = true; 
return var_select; 

// define method to create a < A> The label;
//***** id means the tag is unique
//***** name indicates the name of the tag
//***** * value represents the tag corresponding to the text (name) displayed.
//***** * event represents the event corresponding to the tag (event is not bound when event==null)
//***** * href represents the link attributes of the tag
var createA = function(id, name, value, event, href, target) { 
var var_a = null; 
try { 
var_a = document.createElement("<a onclick='' target='_blank'>"); //Created here must be "<A onclick = "alert () '>" This form is created for those who do not support IE6.0 and IE7.0
} catch (e) { 
var_a = document.createElement("a"); 
var a_id = document.createAttribute("id"); 
a_id.nodeValue = id; 
var a_name = document.createAttribute("name"); 
a_name.nodeValue = name; 
href = (href == null || href == "") ? ("javascript:void(0);" || "#") : href; 
var a_href = document.createAttribute("href"); 
a_href.nodeValue = href; 

var a_Text = document.createTextNode(value); 

if (target != null) { 
var target_href = document.createAttribute("target"); 
target_href.nodeValue = "_blank"; 

if (event != "" && event != null && event != undefined) { 
var a_click = document.createAttribute("onclick"); 
a_click.nodeValue = event; 
var_a.appendChild(a_Text); //Note that this value binding order can only be left at the end of the binding (otherwise IE6.0 and IE7.0 are not supported)

return var_a; 

// define a method to determine whether the input value is a number;
//******* *** when flag=true, determine whether the input value is an integer;
var check_Is_Num = function(obj, flag) { 
var flag_var = false; 
var num = /^d+$/; ///^+?[1-9][0-9]*$/; 
//flag_var = /^(([0-9]+.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*.[0-9]+)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*))$/.test(obj); 
flag_var = /^d+(.d+)?$/.test(obj); 
if (flag) { 
flag_var = num.test(obj); 
return flag_var; 

//Define methods to delete nodes.
var removeRowItem = function(obj) { 
var rowTr = obj.parentNode.parentNode; 
try { 
} catch (e) { 

String.prototype.Trim = function() { 
return this.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/g, ""); 

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