Using thread to dynamically display system time

  • 2020-04-01 04:14:05
  • OfStack

Write an Applet Applet that displays the current system time in different colors and fonts by receiving parameters in an HTML document.

import java.awt.*; 
import java.applet.Applet; 
import java.util.*; 
import java.awt.Graphics; 
public class clock extends Applet implements Runnable //Inherit the Applet class and implement the Runnable interface
 Thread clockThread=null; //Create an empty thread
 Calendar now; 
 private String s1; 
 private int size; 
 int r1,g1,b1;   
 public void init()  //Initialization method
 size=Integer.parseInt(getParameter("size"));//Get font size
 public void start() 
  clockThread=new Thread(this,"Clock2"); //Create the thread object clockThread
  clockThread.start(); //Start thread
 public void run()  //Implement the run() method of the Runnable interface
 Thread myThread=Thread.currentThread();//Create a thread object called myThread
 while(clockThread==myThread)  {  repaint(); //The paint method is called through the repaint method
  Thread.sleep(1000); //Dormancy of 1 second
 catch (InterruptedException e){} 
 public void paint(Graphics g) 
 r1=(int)(Math.random()*255); //Generates a random number by calling random of the Math class
 g1=(int)(Math.random()*255); //Then through the random number to set the three primary colors, red, green and blue
 Color c=new Color(r1,g1,b1); //Create a color object
 g.setColor(c);   //Set the color
 now=Calendar.getInstance(); //Gets the current system time
 s1=now.get(now.HOUR)+" when " 
 +now.get(now.MINUTE)+" points " 
 +now.get(now.SECOND)+" seconds "; 
 Font f=new Font("",1,size); //Set the font
 g.drawString(s1,10,50);  //Displays a string with the specified size and color
 public void stop()  //Call the stop method to stop the thread

<pre class="html" name="code"><html> 
<Applet code="clock.class" width=300 height=100> 
<param name=s1 value=s1> 
<param name=size value=30> 
<p> </p> 
 <div style="padding-top:20px">  
  <p style="font-size:12px;"> Using thread to dynamically display system time </p> 

This is how to use thread to dynamically display the system time method, hope to help you learn.

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