Gets the name implementation method of the test class and method in JUnit

  • 2020-04-01 03:55:11
  • OfStack

In JUnit's tests, sometimes you need to get the name of the Class or Method you belong to to facilitate logging or something.

In JUnit provides (link: class to do this, in the org. JUnit. Rules:

public class TestName extends TestWatcher {
 private String fName;
 protected void starting(Description d) {
  fName = d.getMethodName();
 public String getMethodName() {
  return fName;

Although TestName only provides the name of the method, it is easy to add the name of the class by modifying TestName slightly as follows:

protected void starting(Description d) {
 fName = d.getClassName() + "." + d.getMethodName();

The usage in the test case is:

public class NameRuleTest {
 @Rule public TestName name = new TestName();
 @Test public void testA() {
  assertEquals("testA", name.getMethodName());
 @Test public void testB() {
  assertEquals("testB", name.getMethodName());


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