JDBC basics tutorial

  • 2020-04-01 03:38:57
  • OfStack

This article illustrates the basics and techniques of JDBC. Share with you for your reference. Specific analysis is as follows:

1. What is JDBC?

In plain English, JDBC technology is a Java program that sends SQL statements to a database. The database executes the SQL statements when they are received and returns the results to the Java program for management.

2. What are the requirements for using JDBC?

A) the address of the target database host

B) the port number occupied by the database software on the host

C) the user name used to log in the database

D) the password of the user name

E) connect to the database

3. Principles of JDBC technology

We know that the database is there are a variety of types, different manufacturers database model to imitate and specification is different, this time, if we use JAVA code to send the SQL statement, will be according to the different database to write a set of operation and a set of code, the development cost of developers is very large, so the SUN at the time of development of JDBC technology, provides a set of standard interfaces, database production manufacturers must provide a drive to implement the interface, so as long as developers in development is used when the database driver, will develop in a consistent manner, Instead of having to write your own set of code to accommodate different databases.

4. Core apis in JDBC

|- Driver: interface implemented by the Driver class.

|-Connection connect(String url, Properties info)  -- used to connect to a database to get a connection object

Parameters to be set in Properties:

Url: the url string for the database connection. Protocol + database subprotocol + host + port + database

User: database user name

Password: the user's password

| - Connection:       Interface to connect to the database

| - Statement createStatement ()     -- create a Statement object to send SQL statements

| - PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String SQL)   - creates a PreparedStatement object to send a precompiled SQL statement

| - the CallableStatement prepareCall (String SQL)   Create a CallableStatement object to call the stored procedure.

|-statement: executes a static SQL Statement

| - int executeUpdate (String SQL)   -- perform update operation (DDL+DML)

| - ResultSet executeQuery (String SQL)   -- perform query operations (DQL)

|- PreparedStatement: to execute a precompiled SQL statement

|-int executeUpdate() -- performs an update operation

| - ResultSet executeQuery ()       -- perform the query operation

|-callablestatement: SQL used to execute stored procedures

| - ResultSet executeQuery ()   -- calling the stored procedure

|- ResultSet: ResultSet. Used to encapsulate the post-query data for a database

|-boolean next() -- moves the record cursor to the next line

|- Object getObject(int columnIndex) - gets the value on the field

After understanding which apis, let's use JDBC to send SQL statements

5. Use the Statement object to manipulate the database

DDL and DML operations

Step 1

Guide package, because I use MySQL database, so to use JDBC technology, you must use the database driver provided by the MySQL database manufacturer, so the first step is to import the database driver package into the project.

Package name used: mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar

Step 2

Create a normal class, add a method to it, and follow these steps in the method

    private String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/vmaxtam";
    private String user = "root";
    private String password = "root"; public void testDDL()throws Exception{
        //1. Registered driver
        //2. Gets the connection
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
        //3. Create a Statement object
        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
        //Prepare the SQL statement
        String sql  ="CREATE TABLE student(sid INT PRIMARY KEY,sname VARCHAR(20),age INT)";
        //5. Send the SQL statement through the statement object, return the result of execution
        int count = stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
        //6. Print the execution result
        System.out.println(" affected "+count+" records ");
//7. Close resource
} if(conn!=null)

If you want to do both DQL and DDL operations, you can write the SQL statement and then call the statement's executlUpdate method to execute the SQL statement for the database, which returns an integer value indicating how many rows in the database are affected.

If we do not change the above procedure, and want to issue the SQL statement to the database again, then we have to write a program to connect again, and then close the statement object and connection object after the operation, which is very tedious. Therefore, we generally extract the procedures of connecting and releasing objects into a utility class. The code in the tool class is as follows:

public class sqlUtil {
    private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/vmaxtam";
    private static String user = "root";
    private static String password = "root";     //Gets the connection
    public static Connection getconnection() {
        Connection conn = null;
        try {
            //1. Registered driver
            //2. Gets the connection
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
            //3. Get statement object
            Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return conn;
    }     //7. Close resource
    public static void close(Statement statement, Connection connection) {
            try {
                if (statement != null)
                if (connection != null) {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

The other thing to consider is:

A) a user only needs to register a driver on the line, not every connection to the database are registered drivers, so we put the registration of the driver process written in the static code block.

Two) url and user name, password and driver class name, in the program is written dead, in order to be able to change the database or change the user without changing the code, we usually write these information to a configuration file.

The configuration file is written in the SRC directory of the project, named db.properties


The configuration file is then read in sqlUtil and optimized into the following code
public class sqlUtil {
    private static String url = null;
    private static String user = null;
    private static String password = null;
    private static String driverClass= null;     static{
        try {
            //1. Get the bytecode object
            Class clazz = sqlUtil.class;
            //2. Call getResourceAsStream to get the path
            InputStream inputStream = clazz.getResourceAsStream("/db.properties");
            Properties pro = new Properties();
            //3. Read parameter
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println(" Registration failed! " + e.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
    //Gets the connection
    public static Connection getconnection() {
        Connection conn = null;
        try {       
            //Gets the connection
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
            //Gets the statement object
            Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return conn;
    }     //Close resource
    public static void close(Statement statement, Connection connection) {
            try {
                if (statement != null)
                if (connection != null) {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

DQL operation

So how do you query data in a database using JDBC?

    public void testdsl() throws Exception {
        //Gets the connection
        Statement statement = cnn2.createStatement();
        //Prepare the SQL statement
        String sql = "select * from subject";
        //Call executeQuery to execute the query statement
        ResultSet res = statement.executeQuery(sql);
        //After the end of the query, the res will point to the header of the table. To get the data, it must point to the next row of the query result repeatedly. When there is no data in the next row, it will return 0.
            //Gets the value of the field "sjid" in the query result, and the type
is specified             int id = res.getInt("sjid");
            //Gets the value of the field "sjname" in the query result, and the type
is specified             String name = res.getString("sjname");
            System.out.println("ID:" + id + "  NAME:" + name);
        sqlUtil.close(statement, cnn2);

So that's using the Statement object to manipulate the database

6. Use PreparedStatement to manipulate the database

A PreparedStatement object is a special Statement object that precompiles SQL statements so that when you set the parameters, you can execute the SQL Statement

DDL and DML operations

package com.vmaxtam.sqltest;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import org.junit.Test; public class PreparedStatementTest {
    Connection connection = null;
    public void ddldmlTest() throws Exception {
        //1. Get the connection
        connection = sqlUtil.getconnection();         //2. Prepare SQL statement, precompile statement, parameter with? Number occupied
        String sql = "INSERT INTO SUBJECT VALUES(?,?)";         //3. Get object
        PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);         /*
         * 4. Set up the SQL parameter You need the parameter number and you know its type The first sentence below means: SQL The first argument of the statement is int Type with the parameter value set to 3 And so on
        preparedStatement.setInt(1, 3);
        preparedStatement.setString(2, " English ");         //5. Give the database to execute SQL
        int num = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();         System.out.println(" There are " + num + " A record is affected ");               sqlUtil.close(preparedStatement , connection );

This is where the PreparedStatement object is used to send the insert statement. Similarly, DDL and DML class statements can be sent in this way.

The benefits of PreparedStatement precompilation:

Precompiled PreparedStatement allows you to query different targets by setting different parameters. On the database side, only one precompiled Statement is saved, but if you use Statement to send a Statement, each Statement is saved in the database, which can take up a lot of memory.

DQL operation

    public void dqlTest() throws Exception {
        //1. Get the connection
        connection = sqlUtil.getconnection();         //2. Prepare SQL statement, precompile statement, parameter with? Number occupied
        String sql = "select * from subject where sjid=? or sjname=?";         //3. Get object
        PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);         /*
         * 4. Set up the SQL parameter You need the parameter number and you know its type The first sentence below means: SQL The first argument of the statement is int Type with the parameter value set to 3 And so on
        preparedStatement.setInt(1, 2);
        preparedStatement.setString(2, " Chinese language and literature ");         //5. Give the database to execute SQL
        ResultSet rst = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
        //6. Iteration result set
            int id = rst.getInt("sjid");
            String name = rst.getString("sjname");
            System.out.println("ID:" + id + "  NAME:" + name);
        //Close the connection
        sqlUtil.close(preparedStatement, connection);

ExecuteQuery () is also called; Method can be obtained after the result set iteration output ~

Since a Statement is similar to a PreparedStatement, compare their strengths and weaknesses

The difference between Statement and PreparedStatement:

1. Different grammar

Statement only supports static compilation; SQL statements are dead.

PreparedStatement supports precompilation, using? Sign to take up space.

2. Different efficiency

A Statement sends one SQL Statement at a time. It does not support caching and is inefficient to execute.

PreparedStatement supports precompilation, is cached in a database, and only needs to send parameters for quick execution.

3. Different security

Statements are easy to inject.

Injection: tricky molecules can write special SQL statements to break into databases.

For example, to query information about a user

SELECT * FROM user_list where username= XXX and password= XXX; (XXX here should have filled in his/her username and password for the user)

SELECT * FROM user_list where username=' ABC 'or 1=1 -- password= XXX;

So 1=1 is the same, and the word "--" is in front of the word "password," and the rest becomes a comment and is not executed. That is, it is possible to query all user information without a password.

PreparedStatement, because it specifies the parameters in the SQL statement, prevents injection.

Conclusion: PreparedStatement is recommended because it is faster and safer .

7. Execute stored procedures using a CallableStatement

Using the CallableStatement simply executes the stored procedure, and we're still creating the stored procedure in the database.

Step 1

Now the database is set up with a stored procedure:

    SELECT * FROM SUBJECT WHERE sjid=a OR sjname=b;
    SET c=a+a+a+a;

Step 2

Execute using Java code and get output parameters

public void calaST() throws Exception {
        //Gets the connection
        connection= sqlUtil.getconnection();
        //Prepare the SQL statement
        String sql = "CALL pro_add(?,?,?)";
        //You get the callableStatement object
        CallableStatement cbs = connection.prepareCall(sql);
        //Set the input parameters, as in a preparedStatement
        cbs.setInt(1, 3);
        cbs.setString(2, " mathematics ");
        /* So how do you set the output parameters?
         * Need to register output parameters!
        cbs.registerOutParameter(3, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);//You need to use the built-in object to set the parameter type
        //Execute the SQL statement
        //The getXXX method is used to obtain the output parameter
of the corresponding position         Integer num= cbs.getInt(3);
        System.out.println("a*4 is " + num);
             //Close resource
        sqlUtil.close(cbs, connection);

I hope this article has been helpful to your Java programming.

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