An introduction to Activiti common classes

  • 2020-04-01 03:24:09
  • OfStack

The Activiti project is a new open source BPM platform based on the Apache license. The details are as follows:

Why use workflow

Disadvantages of traditional design when process changes:

1. Attributes related to the process and attributes of the business object are put into the business object.
2. Process related logic and business logic are put into the business logic

Activiti common classes:

ProcessEngineConfiguration process engine configuration objects (configuration database connection information and strategies to build table)
The core object of the ProcessEngine ProcessEngine (checking the environment for correctness, managing various services)
RepositoryService RepositoryService object (manages deployment information)
RuntimeService RuntimeService object (manages process startup, flow, and so on)
TaskService Task service object (the data in the Task table is an extension of the Exeuction table, the creation time and the transactor of the Task)

Deploy related classes:

DeploymentBuilder publishes configuration objects (aliases for published rule files, rule pictures, and process displays)
ProcessDefinition ProcessDefinition (used to describe the overall information of the publishing process)
ActivityImpl process activity (used to describe information related to each activity in a process)

Run related classes:

Execution object (used to describe the basic information of the currently active node)
ProcessInstance ProcessInstance object (the ProcessInstance always just wants the Execution (root) object)
Task Task object (Task creation time and transactor)

Ii. Use cases:

Process deployment information management:

1. Release process
2. View the process definition ProcessDefinitionQuery
3. Delete the process
4. View process attachments

Process execution management:

1. Start the process
2. View tasks (private/public)
3. Claim UserId and TaskId
4. Complete a task (taskId)
5. Check the status of the task

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