Velocity displays detailed resolution of the methods of List and Map

  • 2020-04-01 02:12:59
  • OfStack

Traversing a map type

1. Look at the background Java program first
Java code

    Map<String,String> paramValues=new HashMap<String, String>();  
    ***  The middle assignment is omitted   
    data.put("paramValues", paramValues);//The value to velocity 

2. Fetch the key and value of this map from the velocity template file in the foreground
Java code

    #foreach($param in ${paramValues.keySet()})  

Traversing the List type

1. Look at the background Java code first
Java code

    List<Saler> salerList=new ArrayList<Saler>();  
    *** The middle assignment is omitted   
    data.put("salerList", salerList);//The value to velocity 

2. Now look at the code in the velocity template

    #foreach($sal in ${salerList})  

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