Java to view the implementation of the underlying source code in the JDK

  • 2020-04-01 02:04:04
  • OfStack

1. The "window" - > "Preferences" - > "Java" - > "Installed JRES." "
2. The right hand side of "Installed JRES" is the list pane, which lists the JRE environment in the system. Select your JRE and click "Edit..." on the side. , a window appears (Edit JRE)
3. Select this item of rt.jar file: "c:\program files\ Java \jre_1.5.0_06\lib\rt.jar"
Expand it with the + sign to the left of the dot,
4. After expanding, you can see "Source Attachment:(none)", click this item, and click the button "Source Attachment..." on the right. , select the "" file in your JDK directory
5. Click "ok" all the way.

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