Details on the use of inner classes in Java

  • 2020-04-01 01:42:29
  • OfStack

Inner class access rules

The & # 8226; Inner classes have direct access to members in outer classes, including private ones. Access format: external class name. This
The & # 8226; An inner class object must be created for an outer class to access an inner class.
The & # 8226; The inner class is in the member position and can be modified by the member modifier.

public class InnerClassDemo1 {
     public static void main(String[] args){
         Outer ou =new Outer();
         ou.method();// 4  3
         Outer.Inner oi =new Outer().new Inner();


 class Outer{
     private int x=3;
     class Inner{
         int x=4;
         void function1(){
         void function2(){
     public void method(){
         Inner in =new Inner();

Static inner class

The & # 8226; Inner classes define static members, and inner classes must be static.

 class InnerClassDemo2 
     public static void main(String[] args) 
         new Outer.Inner().function();//Create a static inner class object
 class Outer
     private static int x=5;
     static class Inner//Static inner classes can only access static members of external classes
         void function()

Local inner class

The & # 8226; When the inner class is defined locally, members in the outer class can be accessed directly.
The & # 8226; Access to local variables must be final modified.

 class  InnerClassDemo3
     public static void main(String[] args) 
         Outer out =new Outer();
 class Outer
     int x=3;
     public void method(final int a)
         class Inner
             void function()
         new Inner().function();

Anonymous inner class

The & # 8226; Anonymous inner classes are shorthand for inner classes.
The & # 8226; The premise of anonymous inner classes: inner classes must inherit from a class or implement an interface.
The & # 8226; An anonymous inner class cannot create a constructor.

 class InnerClassDemo4 
     public static void main(String[] args) 
         Demo d=new Demo()
             void show()
                 System.out.println(" Anonymous inner class show methods ");
             void method()
                 System.out.println(" Anonymous inner class method methods ");
 abstract class Demo
     abstract void show();

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