Detailed explanation of Java unit test Mockito

  • 2021-10-25 06:32:52
  • OfStack

Introduction to Mockito

When a method of an mock object is called, the actual method is not executed, but the default value of the type is returned, such as null for object, 0 for int, etc. Otherwise, the return value of the method is specified by specifying when (method). thenReturn (value). At the same time, the mock object can be traced, and the verify method can be used to see if it has been called. The spy object executes the real method by default, and the return value can be overridden by when. thenReturn. It can be seen that mock only avoids executing some methods and directly returns the specified value, which is convenient for other tests.

Service Test Case

Dependence of need


Code Sample

public class StudentServiceTest {
    StudentService studentService = new StudentServiceImpl();
    StudentDAO     studentDAO;

    public void before(){
        Mockito.doReturn(new StudentDO(" Zhang 3", 18)).when(studentDAO).read(Mockito.anyString());

    public void testRead(){
        StudentDO read ="");

Controller Test Case

Dependence of need


Code Sample

public class StudentControllerTest {
    MockMvc mockMvc;

    StudentController studentController;
    StudentService    studentService;

    public void before() {
        mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(studentController).build();
        Mockito.doReturn(new StudentDO(" Zhang 3", 18)).when(studentService).read(Mockito.anyString());

    public void testRead() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/student/read/1");
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.name").value(" Zhang 3"));


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