Solve some problems encountered by ObjectMapper. convertValue of

  • 2021-10-13 07:40:24
  • OfStack

Source code:

public <T> T convertValue(Object fromValue, TypeReference<?> toValueTypeRef) throws IllegalArgumentException { return (T) _convert(fromValue, _typeFactory.constructType(toValueTypeRef)); }

This method is used to convert bean to map with jackson


List<SObject> sObjects = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(map.get("list"), new TypeReference<List<SObject>>() { });

Objects obtained from other services in micro-services will report errors if they are strongly changed from Object to custom types, so ObjectMapper conversion is used.

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
DefaultResponse defaultResponse = proxy.getData();
List<Resource> resources = (<Resource>) defaultResponse.getData();  // The scene here is: data Yes 1 A Object Type, but it is actually 1 A List<Resouce> , want to put List Convert each object in to a usable object 
for (int i = 0; i < serviceDateResources.size(); i++) {
    Resource resource = mapper.convertValue(resources.get(i), Resource.class);   // After this process, resource It is the available type. If you don't convert it, you will report an error 

Some properties are set to null during conversion, so there is no need to convert

Treatment method:

Add the following annotations to the entity class quotient to be converted

@JsonInclude(Include.Include.ALWAYS)  Default  
@JsonInclude(Include.NON_DEFAULT)  Property is not serialized to the default value  
@JsonInclude(Include.NON_EMPTY)  Property is   Empty ("")   Or for  NULL  Neither is serialized  
@JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL)  Property is NULL  Non-serialization  

jackson objectMapper json String, Object bean, map, Array list Conversion Common Methods List:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

1. Object to json string

User user=new User();
String userJson=mapper.writeValueAsString(user);

2. Map to json string

Map map=new HashMap();  
String json=mapper.writeValueAsString(map);

3. Array list to json string

Student[] stuArr = {student1, student3};  
String jsonfromArr =  mapper.writeValueAsString(stuArr);

4. json string to object

String expected = "{\"name\":\"Test\"}";
User user = mapper.readValue(expected, User.class);

5. json string to Map

String expected = "{\"name\":\"Test\"}";
Map userMap = mapper.readValue(expected, Map.class);

6. json string to object array List

List<SObject> sObjects = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(map.get("list"), new TypeReference<List<SObject>>() { });

7. json string to Map array List < Map < String,Object > >

List<SObject> sObjects = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(map.get("list"), new TypeReference<List<SObject>>() { });

8. jackson converts objects to LinkedHashMap by default:

List<SObject> sObjects = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(map.get("list"), new TypeReference<List<SObject>>() { });

9. Method of interconversion between json string and list or map

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
 // Encounter date Convert according to this format 
 SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
  String preference = "{name:' Hou Yong '}";
        //json String conversion map
  Map<String, String> preferenceMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
  preferenceMap = objectMapper.readValue(preference, preferenceMap.getClass());
  //map Turn json String 
  String result=objectMapper.writeValueAsString(preferenceMap);

10. Conversion of bean to map

List<SObject> sObjects = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(map.get("list"), new TypeReference<List<SObject>>() { });

Error reported by objectMapper. convertValue ()

The error message is as follows:

com. fasterxml. jackson. databind. exc. InvalidDefinitionException: Cannot construct instance java. time: cannot deserialize from Object value (no delegate-or property-based Creator) at [Source: UNKNOWN; line:-1, column:-1] (through reference chain: net. too1.tplus. user. user. entity. User ["createTime"])

According to the above error report, it is the cause of java. time. LocalDateTime type. ObjectMapper cannot serialize LocalDateTime. Add the following annotations to solve it

List<SObject> sObjects = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(map.get("list"), new TypeReference<List<SObject>>() { });

List<SObject> sObjects = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(map.get("list"), new TypeReference<List<SObject>>() { });

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