Summary of java IO file operation methods

  • 2020-06-23 00:29:29
  • OfStack

Summary of java IO file operation methods

Understanding of input and output:

Input and output, with the program as a reference point, external data into the program, through the input stream to complete. The program passes the data to an external device through an output stream.

File Io operation

// Access to the file 

File file=new File("d:/a.txt");

file.getName()--String// The file name 

file.getPath()--String// The path 

file.getAbsolutePath()--String// The full path 

file.getParent()--String// Located folder 

file.exists()--Boolean// If there is a   is true no false

file.isFile()--Boolean// Is it a file or not 

file.isDirectory()--Boolean// Is a directory? 
file.isAbsolute()--Boolean Is it a full path 
file.canRead()--Boolean// Can be read ?

file.canWrite()--Boolean// Can you write? 

file.isHidden()--Boolean// Is it hidden? 
file.length()--long// The size of the 

System.out.println(new Date(file.lastModified()));// Last revision date 
  Returns: Tue Feb 07 11:15:09 CST 2017

Create delete file:

file.createNewFile()--Boolean;// Creating it directly does not overwrite the original file 

file.delete()--Boolean;// Delete the file 

Iterate over all the files under the output file:

public class PrintFiles {
 String str="";
 public void Get(File dir){
  str+=" | ";
 public void print(File dir,String str){
  File[] files=dir.listFiles();
  for (File file :files) {
   if(file.isFile()) {
    System.out.println(str + file.getName());

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  PrintFiles p=new PrintFiles();
  File file=new File("C:\\Users\\xuezhendong\\Desktop\\ New folder  (2)");


Find specific files:

File dir = new File("D:");
File[] files=dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {// Look for specific files 
 public boolean accept(File pathname) {
  return pathname.getName().endsWith("txt");endwith Said the suffix 
for (File file :
  files) {
File[] files=dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
 public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {//dir The path of the file 
  //name The file name 
  return !name.endsWith("a");

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