Java amount case conversion method

  • 2020-06-19 10:11:27
  • OfStack

This article shares the specific code of Java amount capitalization conversion for your reference, the specific content is as follows

 * @ClassName: NumberConvert 
 * @Description: TODO 
 * @date 2013-3-07  In the afternoon 16:08:10 
 * @version V1.0 
public class MoneyUtil { 
  /**  Upper case number  */ 
  private static final String[] NUMBERS = { " zero ", " one ", " Ii. ", " 3 ", " boss ", " wu ", " lu ", " Retailer, ", "  ", " nine " }; 
  /**  The unit of an integral part  */ 
  private static final String[] IUNIT = { " yuan ", " Pick up ", " hk ", " micky ", " wan ", " Pick up ", " hk ", " micky ", " Hundred million ", " Pick up ", " hk ", " micky ", " wan ", " Pick up ", " hk ", 
      " micky " }; 
  /**  The unit of a decimal fraction  */ 
  private static final String[] DUNIT = { " Angle ", " points ", " li " }; 
   *  You get a capital amount.  
  public static String toChinese(String str) { 
    str = str.replaceAll(",", "");//  To get rid of "," 
    String integerStr;//  Integral part number  
    String decimalStr;//  Fractional number  
    //  Initialization: Separates the integer part from the decimal part  
    if (str.indexOf(".") > 0) { 
      integerStr = str.substring(0, str.indexOf(".")); 
      decimalStr = str.substring(str.indexOf(".") + 1); 
    } else if (str.indexOf(".") == 0) { 
      integerStr = ""; 
      decimalStr = str.substring(1); 
    } else { 
      integerStr = str; 
      decimalStr = ""; 
    // integerStr Remove the first 0 Don't have to take it out decimalStr In the end 0( The excess part is removed ) 
    if (!integerStr.equals("")) { 
      integerStr = Long.toString(Long.parseLong(integerStr)); 
      if (integerStr.equals("0")) { 
        integerStr = ""; 
    // overflow Out of capacity, return directly  
    if (integerStr.length() > IUNIT.length) { 
      System.out.println(str + ": Out of capacity "); 
      return str; 
    int[] integers = toArray(integerStr);//  Integral part number  
    boolean isMust5 = isMust5(integerStr);//  Ten thousand units  
    int[] decimals = toArray(decimalStr);//  Fractional number  
    return getChineseInteger(integers, isMust5) + getChineseDecimal(decimals); 
   *  To convert integer and decimal parts into arrays, from high to low  
  private static int[] toArray(String number) { 
    int[] array = new int[number.length()]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < number.length(); i++) { 
      array[i] = Integer.parseInt(number.substring(i, i + 1)); 
    return array; 
   *  Get the integral part of the amount in Chinese.  
  private static String getChineseInteger(int[] integers, boolean isMust5) { 
    StringBuffer chineseInteger = new StringBuffer(""); 
    int length = integers.length; 
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { 
      // 0 Appear in key locations: 1234( wan )5678( Hundred million )9012( wan )3456( yuan ) 
      //  Special circumstances: 10( Ten dollars, ten dollars, ten hundred thousand, one hundred thousand ) 
      String key = ""; 
      if (integers[i] == 0) { 
        if ((length - i) == 13)//  wan ( Hundred million )( mandatory ) 
          key = IUNIT[4]; 
        else if ((length - i) == 9)//  Hundred million ( mandatory ) 
          key = IUNIT[8]; 
        else if ((length - i) == 5 && isMust5)//  wan ( Don't have to fill in ) 
          key = IUNIT[4]; 
        else if ((length - i) == 1)//  yuan ( mandatory ) 
          key = IUNIT[0]; 
        // 0 In case of 0 Time to zero, not including the last 1 position  
        if ((length - i) > 1 && integers[i + 1] != 0) 
          key += NUMBERS[0]; 
      chineseInteger.append(integers[i] == 0 ? key : (NUMBERS[integers[i]] + IUNIT[length - i - 1])); 
    return chineseInteger.toString(); 
   *  Get the decimal portion of the amount in Chinese.  
  private static String getChineseDecimal(int[] decimals) { 
    StringBuffer chineseDecimal = new StringBuffer(""); 
    for (int i = 0; i < decimals.length; i++) { 
      //  give 3 After the decimal place  
      if (i == 3) 
      chineseDecimal.append(decimals[i] == 0 ? "" : (NUMBERS[decimals[i]] + DUNIT[i])); 
    return chineseDecimal.toString(); 
   *  Determine the first 5 A unit of digits " wan " Whether to add.  
  private static boolean isMust5(String integerStr) { 
    int length = integerStr.length(); 
    if (length > 4) { 
      String subInteger = ""; 
      if (length > 8) { 
        //  Get the number from the low order, the th 5 To the first 8 A string  
        subInteger = integerStr.substring(length - 8, length - 4); 
      } else { 
        subInteger = integerStr.substring(0, length - 4); 
      return Integer.parseInt(subInteger) > 0; 
    } else { 
      return false; 
  public static void main(String[] args) { 
    String number = "1.23"; 
    System.out.println(number + " " + MoneyUtil.toChinese(number)); 
    number = "1234567890123456.123"; 
    System.out.println(number + " " + MoneyUtil.toChinese(number)); 
    number = "0.0798"; 
    System.out.println(number + " " + MoneyUtil.toChinese(number)); 
    number = "10,001,000.09"; 
    System.out.println(number + " " + MoneyUtil.toChinese(number)); 
    number = "01.107700"; 
    System.out.println(number + " " + MoneyUtil.toChinese(number)); 

The operation result is:

One yuan and twenty-two cents
1234567890123456.123 One thousand Two hundred and forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-Eight hundred and ninety-nine thousand one hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-one thousand twelve point three
0.0798 seven nine cents
B: 10,001,000.09 ten thousand one thousand nine cents
01.107700 one Yuan and seventy cents

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