java method rewrite and super keyword example detail

  • 2020-06-15 08:54:57
  • OfStack

java methods override and super keywords

In inheritance, it's the child class that defines the method with the same name as the parent class

Methods, properties are the same

Rewrite restrictions:

Methods overridden by subclasses cannot have more stringent permissions than superclass methods

super: Forces the execution of a superclass method to be invoked

What's the difference between overloading and overwriting?

Reloading occurs in a class where permissions are not required and the overloaded method parameters can be different

Overrides occur when methods overridden by subclasses cannot have more stringent permissions than methods overridden by superclasses, whose parameter names are identical

Example code:

class A{ 
  public void tell(){ 
    System.out.println(" I am a tell methods "); 
  //private( with 1 A class of ) < default( In the same 1 The package can be accessed below ) < public( The whole project is accessible )  
  // The default default 
  void say(){ 
class B extends A{ 
  // This approach is called method rewriting  
  public void tell(){ 
    //super Don't 1 Used in overrides, it can also mean that those methods are inherited from the parent class.  
    super.tell(); // through super Keywords can be invoked in the parent class tell methods  
    System.out.println(" I rewrote the tell methods "); 
class HelloWorld{ 
  public static void main(String[] args){ 
    B b = new B();  

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