
  • 2020-06-07 04:29:58
  • OfStack

When doing a project, I encountered such a pit: How to judge whether json on 1 is empty,

The starting code looks like this:

JSONObject detail = JSONObject.fromObject("123");
if (detail == null)
 detail = new JSONObject();

No matter how you adjust the contents of the string, new Jsonobject() will not be taken. All kinds of try, all kinds of ask, finally no way, take detail method 1 each try, only to find that there is isNullObject() such a method, then have the following code,

JSONObject detail = JSONObject.fromObject("123");
if (detail == null || detail.isNullObject())
 detail = new JSONObject();

All kinds of pits have been trodden on for so long, and there will be pits in the future. Solutions:

1. Look for similar problems on the Internet;

2. As in today's case, a class may already have available methods.

Colleagues are very good teachers. Ask a lot and face is the least valuable here.

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