The best 8 Java RESTful frameworks

  • 2020-05-09 18:42:24
  • OfStack

With each 1year in the past, more and more Java frameworks have emerged. Like JavaScript, everyone thinks they know what a good framework should look like. Even my old grandmother now USES a framework I've never heard of and probably never will. Jokes aside, the bloated framework market, which can do almost anything, is saturated, but how to judge. This article aims to provide the best Java RESTfulful framework available today. I'm just going to talk about lightweight products, skipping the bloated over-designed frameworks. At the same time, I just want them to be stable and mature, offering simple, lightweight features. I only break this rule when I introduce Play frameworks, for reasons I'll give later. Which Java RESTful framework to use in future projects depends entirely on your current requirements. To make it easier for you to choose, I'll list the most prominent framework features, which I hope will save you some time.


Date of birth: 2011
4.5/5 grade:

Dropwizard provides a stable and mature Java library wrapped in a simple, lightweight package.
Dropwizard is somewhere between a framework and a library. It provides all you need to develop an web application. Thanks to built-in modularity, an application can remain small and lean, reducing development and maintenance time and overhead.
Dropwizard USES the existing Jetty HTTP library and is embedded in your project without the need for an external server. All Dropwizard projects have an main method to manage the built-in HTTP server.

Official site   GITHUB   documentation


Rapid project build and launch


Incredibly fast (at least as measured by the built-in metric)

Jetty for HTTP, Jersey for REST, and Jackson for JSON

Other libraries are also supported, such as Mustache, Logback, JDBI, Hibernate Validator, Guava...

Monitoring is supported using Metrics

The Main method starts Jetty server and can be easily debugged and maintained

Strong community


The Dropwizard documentation is a major source of knowledge, but it's not great. You may need to search and explore the documentation of the third party library.

The error is treated as plain text for some reason, which can be problematic if you want the response result to always be JSON

Be sure to use the latest version of Dropwizard. Some older versions use an obsolete third party library. And the early Dropwizzard was hard to upgrade


package com.example.helloworld;
import io.dropwizard.Application;
import io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap;
import io.dropwizard.setup.Environment;
import com.example.helloworld.resources.HelloWorldResource;
public class HelloWorldApplication extends Application<HelloWorldConfiguration> {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
     new HelloWorldApplication().run(args);
   public String getName() {
     return "hello-world" ;
   public void initialize(Bootstrap<HelloWorldConfiguration> bootstrap) {
     // nothing to do yet
   public void run(HelloWorldConfiguration configuration,
           Environment environment) {
     // nothing to do yet

Individuals do not want to recommend this framework for large projects. But if you try, you won't be disappointed. Primarily this framework USES the best modern Java web components, assembled into an easy-to-use framework.
Unfortunately this brings its own problems. Mashing these libraries together can cause unforeseen problems. That's why I subtracted 0.5 stars from it instead of 5 stars out of 10.


Date of birth: 2012 (Jersey 2.X)
5/5 grade:

The Jersey RESTful framework is an open source RESTful framework that implements JAX-RS (JSR 311) & JSR 339) specification. It extends the JAX-RS implementation with additional features and tools to further simplify RESTful service and client development. Although relatively new, it is already a product of the RESTful service and client frameworks.

Official site   GITHUB   documentation


Excellent documentation and examples


Super easy routing

Smooth JUnit integration

Personally, when developing RESTful service, the JAX-RS implementation is better than the MVC framework.

It can be integrated into other libraries/frameworks (Grizzly,   Netty). This is probably why many products use it.

Support for asynchronous linking

Don't like servlet container; You can use Jersey without them.

WADL, XML/JSON support

Included in Glassfish


Jersey 2.0+ USES a somewhat complex implementation of dependency injection

Maybe not a bad thing. Jersey 1.X USES the older JAX-RS implementation

1 heap 3 libraries only support Jersey 1.X, Jersey 2.X is not available


package org.glassfish.jersey.examples.helloworld;
@Path ( "helloworld" )
public class HelloWorldResource {
   public static final String CLICHED_MESSAGE = "Hello World!" ;
@Produces ( "text/plain" )
   public String getHello() {
     return CLICHED_MESSAGE;

Jersey is my choice, 5 stars.

Ninja Web Framework

Date of birth: 2012
3.5/5 grade:
Ninja Web Framework is the full stack of java web framework. Stable, fast, reliable, product grade.
It provides a slice of development, testing, publishing, and maintenance of RESTful web applications (Servlets, Guice, JPA, Flyway migrations, Maven, etc.).
Just like DropWizzard, Ninja Web Framework is an integrated software stack. You don't have to build your own, just use Maven archetype to generate a new project, import it into IDE and start coding.

Official site   GITHUB   documentation



Rapid project build and launch


XML, HTML, JSON render

Other libraries are also supported (e.g., Guice, Logback, Guava, etc.)

Good data persistence and caching

Don't like servlet container; U can choose the container you like

If you don't like containers at all, you can use standalone mode, using Jetty as a self-executing jar


Again, like DropWizzard, the documentation is there but not good enough. It took me a long time to understand it. The framework also relies on many other libraries, and sometimes it can be difficult to get the information you need.

Not very well known. Small community. Rumor has it that this framework was created by Play 2.X users who switched to Scala


package controllers;
public class ApplicationController {   
   public Result index() {
     Person person = new Person(); = "John Johnson" ;
     return Results.json().render(person);

It looks good, but I'm going to leave it on the one side until it matures.

Play Framework

Date of birth: 2011
4/5 grade:

Play Framework is easy to create, build, and publish web applications with Java support & Scala. It USES Akka, based on a lightweight stateless architecture. It should be used for large-scale applications with low CPU and memory consumption.

Official site   GITHUB   documentation


Easy to develop

Fast, but not as fast as some other frames

Support for non-blocking I/O based on Netty. Excellent for handling remote calls in parallel

The community is very big

Rapid project build and launch



REST, JSON/XML, Web Sockets, non-blocking I/O

Just refresh your browser to see the latest changes

Support Async

There are published books


Version 2.0 is the most controversial Java framework. Switch to Switch to Scala made some Java developers outraged.

Backward incompatible; Play 2.X has been rewritten

Known as lightweight, but a bit bloated

The SBT build tool. Known as the Maven killer, but never good enough to replace it. Difficult to learn and configure

The servlet

Breaking changes across releases


package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
class Application extends Controller {
  def hello(name: String) = Action {
   Ok( "Hello " + name + "!" )

For all the complaining, I still prefer 1 straight and preferred this framework. Unfortunately, I can only give it four stars. I firmly believe that the framework based on JAX-RS is more suitable for RESTful web services.


Date of birth: 2009
3/5 grade:

RestExpress is a non-container lightweight Netty HTTP stack wrapper to make it easier to create Java RESTful services.
The RestExpress goal is to support the best RESTful practices.



Real micro frames

Top performance, fast, reliable


The oldest and most stable RESTful framework 1


No document

Little support

Small community


package com.example;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod;
import org.restexpress.RestExpress;
public class Main
   public static RestExpress startServer(String[] args) throws IOException
     RestExpress server = new RestExpress();
     MyResource r = new MyResource();
     server.uri( "/myapp/myresource" , r)
     server.uri( "/myapp/myresource" , r)
     server.bind( 8080 );
     return server;
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
     RestExpress server = startServer(args);
     System.out.println( "Hit enter to stop it..." );;

Even though this framework is super fast, I don't want to recommend it. Lack of documentation and no support makes it a poor framework. Give it three stars for speed's sake.


Date of birth: 2005
4.5/5 grade:

Restlet helps Java programmers build large-scale, fast web api architectures that conform to the RESTful architectural pattern.
It provides powerful routing and filtering systems. client/server Java API. Meets all the major platforms (Java SE/EE, Google AppEngine, OSGi, GWT, Android) and provides countless extensions to meet the needs of programmers.
As far as I know, it is the first java RESTful web framework. A lot of companies use it, but you've probably never heard of it, as if it's no longer visible.

Official site   GITHUB   documentation



Enterprise level framework

Multi-platform Java SE, Java EE, Google Web Toolkit, Google AppEngine, Android, OSGi environments

Support JAX-RS (like Jersey)

Most advanced RESTful support


Support for other libraries

Development 1 is active

Intelligent url binding, fully functional URI routing

There are books about it


Very steep learning curve

Closed communities, although StackOverflow is still open

No longer popular, more due to Play Framework and Jersey


public class Part03 extends ServerResource {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
     // Create the HTTP server and listen on port 8182
     new Server(Protocol.HTTP, 8182 , Part03. class ).start();
   @Get ( "txt" )
   public String toString() {
     return "hello, world" ;

Although the framework is still 1 in popularity, I can't give it 5 stars to its current degree of completion.


Date of birth: 2013
3.5/5 grade:

Restx is a lightweight, modular, feature-rich, super-fast open source Java REST framework.

Official site   GITHUB   documentation


Fast, lightweight

Easy to set up

Real micro frames


Support for other libraries

Support MongoDB


Unfriendly confusing document. I expect a good 1 point of documentation for this type of framework

Too young

Asynchronous Async is not currently supported


@GET ( "/message/{id}" )
   public Message sayHello(String id, // path param
               String who // query param
               ) {
     return new Message().setMessage(String.format(
         "hello %s, it's %s" ,
         who, "HH:mm:ss" )));
@POST ( "/message/{id}" )
   public Message sayHello(String id, // path param
               Message msg // body param
               ) {
     return msg.setMessage(String.format(
         "%s @ %s" ,
         msg.getMessage(), "HH:mm:ss" )));

Honestly, I didn't spend much time on this framework. I mean, the Java framework market is getting more and more fragmented, just like the JavaScript market, and it should stop.

Spark Framework

Date of birth: 2011
3.5/5 grade:
Not to be confused with Apache's big data framework Spark, the Spark framework is a lightweight Java web framework for rapid development (50% of Spark users use Spark to create REST APIs). It is inspired by the Ruby framework Sinatra.

It has a minimal kernel of less than 1M, providing all the basic features for building RESTful or traditional web applications.

Official site   GITHUB   documentation


Fast, lightweight

Excellent rapid prototyping

Easy to set up

Often used with AngularJS

Real micro frames

Using Jetty

It can be used in a container or run independently


The documentation could be better, it's not for beginners

Not suitable for large projects

Small community


import static spark.Spark.*;
public class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    get( "/hello" , (req, res) -> "Hello World" );

This framework is suitable for initial development. Mainly used for small projects or prototypes.

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