Bat automatically decompresses and publishes asp. net programs

  • 2021-08-31 07:39:32
  • OfStack

1 decompress the compressed package

2 Replace files

3 Stop service

4 Rebuilding Virtual Directory

5 Restart the service

@echo  1 , Zipexe       Compress the assembly path well   
@echo  2 , zipFileName      Path to the compressed file  
@echo  3 , ylxt       The path to the unzipped file    
@echo  3 , webconstant    Publish files that will not be modified in the directory . And folders, and the directory structure of the virtual directory is maintained 1 To  
@echo  4 , PubparentFolder       Parent directory of virtual directory  
@echo  5 , PubFolderName       Virtual directory name   
set Zipexe="C:\Program Files\2345Soft\HaoZip\HaoZipC.exe" 
set zipFileName="C:\iisweb\copyFolder\"  
set PubFolderName="ylxt" 
set ylxt="C:\iisweb\copyFolder\"%PubFolderName% 
set webconstant="C:\iisweb\copyFolder\webconstant" 
set PubparentFolder="C:\iisweb\" 
set PubFolder=%PubparentFolder%%PubFolderName% 
echo  Delete previously unzipped files, ......  
rem rd /s /q %ylxt%  
echo  Extract files through good compression software, ......  
 %Zipexe% x %zipFileName% -o%ylxt% -y 
echo  Copy files that will not be modified ......  
 xcopy %webconstant% %ylxt% /s /e /y  
echo  Stop applying pools  
rem %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd stop APPPOOL wxzs  
 %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd stop APPPOOL ylxt  
echo  Back up the original virtual directory  
set YYYYmmdd=%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%  
set "YYYYmmdd=%YYYYmmdd: =0%"  
set hhmiss=%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%  
set "hhmiss=%hhmiss: =0%" 
ren %PubFolder% %PubFolderName%%YYYYmmdd%_%hhmiss% 
echo  Replace the original virtual directory with the new extracted directory  
move %ylxt% %PubparentFolder% 
 echo  Start the application pool  
 rem %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd start APPPOOL wxzs  
  %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd start APPPOOL ylxt  

Above is this site to introduce Bat automatic decompression release asp. net program, I hope to help you!

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