Summarize 13 JS script codes frequently used in ASP. NET C

  • 2021-07-16 02:09:48
  • OfStack

In the process of C # development, it is inevitable to write some JS. In fact, those who do back-end development are not good at writing JS. Simply summarize 1, which is convenient for themselves and others and share it with everyone. Hehe ~ ~

1. Button front and back events

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="Button"
OnClientClick="alert(' Guest-side verification to prevent submission to the server ');return false;" />

2. Register related events: onblur, onclick, onchange

"alert(' The data has been changed, now check whether the input conforms to the rules ');");

3. Register related attributes:

this.TextBox1.Attributes.Add("readOnly", "true");

4. Introducing the JS file

Foreground HTML page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="JScript.js" language="javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function fn_Name()

Background cs page:

"<script type='text/javascript' src='JScript.js' language='javascript'></script>");
[code] 5. When the button is clicked Related fields Non-empty judgment [code]
function checkEmpty(txtObj,msgShow)
    if(txtObj.value == "")
        return false;
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="Button"
OnClientClick="return checkEmpty(TextBox1,'TextBox1 Cannot be empty ')" />

6. Control whether the corresponding TextBox can be input by clicking whether ChcekBox is selected or not

function chkTextBox(chkObj,txtObj)
        txtObj.value = "";
        txtObj.readOnly = false;   
    if(chkObj.checked == false)
        txtObj.value = "";
        txtObj.readOnly = true;    
<input id="Checkbox1" type="checkbox" onclick="chkTextBox(Checkbox1,TextBox1)" />

7. Pass a value to the modal window and get the returned value

var EnCodeQueryName = escape(Name);
var strPara = "'dialogWidth: 400px;dialogHeight: 400px;dialogLeft: 300px;dialogTop: 200px;toolbar: no;menubar: no;resizable: yes;location: no;status: no;scrollbars= no'";
var ReturnInfo = window.showModalDialog("QryName.aspx?&Name="+EnCodeQueryName +"&QueryID="+QueryType+"",'',strPara);
if(ReturnInfo !=null)
    var arrayReturnInfo = ReturnInfo .split("@");
    document.all.drpID.value = arrayReturnInfo[1];
    document.all.txtName.value= arrayReturnInfo[2];

8. The confirmation dialog box of JS pops up, and triggers background related operations according to the confirmation result

if(confirm(' How about confirmation ?'))

HTML page related code:

<input id="hidbtn_Submit" type="button" value=" Confirm Modification "
runat="server" />

9. Add page response to shortcut keys, such as adding buttons when pressing F2, etc.

#region Add page response to shortcut keys
string strJS_ShortKey = "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' > ";
strJS_ShortKey += " document.onkeydown=shortKeyDown; ";
strJS_ShortKey += " function shortKeyDown()  ";
strJS_ShortKey += " { ";
// Add
if (this.ButtonCtl1.ImgBtn_AddFamily.Visible)
    string btnInsertCID = this.ButtonCtl1.ImgBtn_Insert.ClientID.Trim();
    //F2 - 113
    strJS_ShortKey += " if(event.keyCode=='113') ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "  { ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "    document.all('" + btnInsertCID + "').click();";
    strJS_ShortKey += "    event.keyCode= 0; ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "    event.returnValue = false; ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "    return false; ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "  } ";
// Modify
if (this.ButtonCtl1.ImgBtn_Edit.Visible)
    string btnEditCID = this.ButtonCtl1.ImgBtn_Edit.ClientID.Trim();
    //F3 - 114
    strJS_ShortKey += " if(event.keyCode=='114') ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "  { ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "    document.all('" + btnEditCID + "').click();";
    strJS_ShortKey += "    event.keyCode= 0; ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "    event.returnValue = false; ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "    return false; ";
    strJS_ShortKey += "  } ";
strJS_ShortKey += " } ";
// Register event
Page.RegisterStartupScript("shortKey", strJS_ShortKey);

10. Popup Prompt Line Display

alert('aaa \r\n bbb \r\n ccc');

If you are registered in the background. cs file
You need to

string strAlertContent = "aaa"+" \\r\\n ";
strAlertContent += "bbb" +" \\r\\n ";

11. When you click a row 1 on GridView, the RadioButton at the first column of the row is selected, and the relevant values are saved in the hidden field

// Bind with the queried dataset
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
    // Binding
    this.gv_InfoFromSendModule.DataSource = dt;
    // OK button display
    this.btn_OK.Visible = true;
    this.txthid_RowCount.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString();
//GridView Adj. RowDataBound
protected void gv_InfoFromSendModule_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
   if (e.Row.RowIndex < 0)
   e.Row.Attributes.Add("onclick", "radButton('" + e.Row.RowIndex.ToString() + "','" + e.Row.Cells[1].Text.Trim() + "');");
   //RadioButton rad = (RadioButton)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("rad_Select");
   //rad.Attributes.Add("onclick", "radButton('"+e.Row.RowIndex.ToString()+"','"+ e.Row.Cells[1].Text.Trim()+"');");
// Object bound to the row JS
function radButton(rowIndex,rowGUID)
    var rowCount = parseInt(document.all.txthid_RowCount.value)+2;
    for(var i=2;i<rowCount;i++)
        var tmpName;
            tmpName = "gv_InfoFromSendModule$ctl0"+i+"$rad_Select";              
            tmpName = "gv_InfoFromSendModule$ctl"+i+"$rad_Select";  
        // Get the corresponding Radio Object
        var tmpRadio = document.getElementById(tmpName);
        // Currently selected Other unchecked
        if((i-2) == rowIndex)
            tmpRadio.checked = true;
            tmpRadio.checked = false;
    document.all.txthid_GUID.value = rowGUID;

12. Remove the front and back spaces

function fn_Trim(obj)
        var oldStr = obj.value;
        var newStr = oldStr.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
        obj.value = newStr;

13. TextBox text content length judgment to see if it exceeds the length and returns true

function fn_IsTooLong(obj,varLength)
       return false;
        var valueStr = obj.value;
        var len = valueStr.match(/[^ -~]/g) == null ? valueStr.length : valueStr.length + valueStr.match(/[^ -~]/g).length ;
        if(len > parseInt(varLength) )
            return true;
            return false;

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