jdk environment variable configuration

  • 2020-05-17 05:20:49
  • OfStack

jdk environment variable configuration
To develop java, you need to install jdk first, and after installing jdk, you need to configure environment variables:
1, download jdk (http: / / java. sun. com javase/downloads/index jsp), I download version is: jdk u14 4-6 windows - i586. exe
2. Install jdk-6u14-windows-i586.exe
3. Configure environment variables: right click "my computer" -- > "Senior" > "Environmental variables"
1) create a new JAVA_HOME variable in the system variable, the value of which is: C:\Program Files\Java\ jdk1.6.0_14 (fill in according to your own installation path)
2) new classpath variable, whose value is:.; JAVA_HOME % % \ lib; % JAVA_HOME % \ lib \ tools jar
3) add a variable value to the path variable (no need to create it if it already exists) : %JAVA_HOME%\bin; %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin (note the use of "; "between variable values) Separated)
4. "go" -- > - "run" > Input "javac" > "Enter", if the normal print usage indicates that the configuration is successful!
Analysis of supplementary environment variables:
JAVA_HOME: the installation path for jdk
classpath:java loads the classpath, which can only be recognized by the java command in classpath. A "." is added before the path to indicate the current path.
path: the system can recognize the java and javac commands in any path.

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