Calculate the date of birth age and gender (18) according to the id card number and calculate the length of service according to the entry time

  • 2020-05-17 05:14:41
  • OfStack

This applies to the management of these files in the OA project

1. Calculate the date of birth, age and gender (18 digits) according to the id card number
// Get input id number  
var UUserCard = $("#UUserCard").val(); 
// Get the date of birth  
//UUserCard.substring(6, 10) + "-" + UUserCard.substring(10, 12) + "-" + UUserCard.substring(12, 14); 
// For gender  
if (parseInt(UUserCard.substr(16, 1)) % 2 == 1) { 
// male  
} else { 
// female  
// For age  
var myDate = new Date(); 
var month = myDate.getMonth() + 1; 
var day = myDate.getDate(); 

var age = myDate.getFullYear() - UUserCard.substring(6, 10) - 1; 
if (UUserCard.substring(10, 12) < month || UUserCard.substring(10, 12) == month && UUserCard.substring(12, 14) <= day) { 
// age  age 

2. Calculate the length of service according to the entry time
// Gets the input entry time converted to Date 
var UToTime = $("#UToTime").val(); 
var aDate = UToTime.split("-"); 
// Because of the month 0-11 So let's subtract the input month 1 
var NewDate = new Date(aDate[0], aDate[1] - 1, aDate[2]); 
// The current time  
var myDate = new Date(); 
// You subtract the time to get the value of milliseconds  
var dif = myDate.getTime() - NewDate.getTime(); 
// The results for" 1 years 5 month 29 Day 】 this  
//myDate.getFullYear() - 1970 + " years " + myDate.getMonth() + " month " + myDate.getDate() + " day " 

Author: LyIng Net

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