Get the real IP IP countries provinces regions of thieves program

  • 2020-05-12 02:32:03
  • OfStack

This method is not very efficient, if used in WEB, if used less can be used this way, if often, or recommended to use the IP library
#region## Get real IP And location details  
///  Get real IP And location details ( Porschev )  
public string GetIpDetails() 
string url = ""; // Set up access IP Address and country source url  
string regStr = "(?<=<td\\s*align=\\\"center\\\">)[^<]*?(?=<br/><br/></td>)"; 
string ipRegStr = "((2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|[01]?\\d\\d?)\\.){3}(2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|[01]?\\d\\d?)"; //IP regular  
string ip = string.Empty; //IP address  
string country = string.Empty; // countries  
string adr = string.Empty; // Provinces and cities  
string html = GetHtml(url); // Get the source  
Regex reg = new Regex(regStr, RegexOptions.None); 
Match ma = reg.Match(html); html = ma.Value; 
Regex ipReg = new Regex(ipRegStr, RegexOptions.None); 
ma = ipReg.Match(html); 
ip = ma.Value; // get IP 
int index = html.LastIndexOf(" : ") + 1; 
country = html.Substring(index); // By the national  
adr = GetAdrByIp(ip); 
return "IP : " + ip + "  Countries: " + country + "  Provinces and cities: " + adr; 

#region## through IP get IP Provinces and cities  
///  through IP get IP Province ( Porschev )  
///<param name="ip"></param> 
public string GetAdrByIp(string ip) 
string url = "" + ip; 
string regStr = "(?<=<span\\s*id=\\\"cz_addr\\\">).*?(?=</span>)"; 
string html = GetHtml(url); // Get the source  
Regex reg = new Regex(regStr, RegexOptions.None); 
Match ma = reg.Match(html); 
html = ma.Value; 
string[] arr = html.Split(''); 
return arr[0]; 

#region## To obtain HTML Source of information  
///  To obtain HTML Source of information (Porschev) 
///<param name="url"> Get the address </param> 
///<returns>HTML The source code </returns> 
public string GetHtml(string url) 
Uri uri = new Uri(url); 
WebRequest wr = WebRequest.Create(uri); 
Stream s = wr.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); 
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s, Encoding.Default); 
return sr.ReadToEnd(); 

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