Summary analysis of 10 reasons why the Asp.Net site was restarted

  • 2020-05-12 02:30:55
  • OfStack

1. Recovering the application pool will cause the site to restart, for the following reasons:

HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown HostingEnvironment caused shutdown

2. Changing the application pool recycling rule will cause a restart. The reasons for the record are as follows:

HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown HostingEnvironment caused shutdown

3. Changing the name of the site in IIS will not cause a restart

4. Modify the configuration file web.config in the root directory of the site. Adding a few Spaces in the configuration file comments will cause a restart.

CONFIG change HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown

But changing the web.config file in the subdirectory will definitely cause an immediate restart

5. Modification of aspx,master file will definitely cause restart; However, every modification will result in one recompilation, and the recompilation will result in a site restart after 15 recompilation times. The reasons for the restart are as follows:

Recompilation limit of 15 reached HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown

This number can be configured in web.config by modifying the numRecompilesBeforeAppRestart property value of compilation.

< compilation debug="false" numRecompilesBeforeAppRestart="15" >

6. Deleting the pdb file in the bin directory will cause a restart. The reasons for the restart of the record are as follows:

Change Notification for critical directories.

Creating a new empty folder in the bin directory will cause the site to restart for the following reasons:

Directory rename change notification for 'D:\projects\TestWebApp\TestWeb'.T estWeb dir change or directory rename

Deleting an empty folder in the bin directory will cause the site to restart for the following reasons:

Directory rename change notification for 'D:\projects\TestWebApp\TestWeb'.T estWeb dir change or directory rename

7. The modification of Global.asax file will cause the site to restart, even if a few Spaces are added. The reasons for the record to restart are as follows:

Change in GLOBAL.ASAX HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown

8. Changes to the App_Code directory will cause the site to restart

Adding a folder named App_Code in the root directory of the site will cause a restart. The reason for the record restart is as follows:

Change Notification for critical directories. App_Code dir change or directory rename

Deleting the App_Code folder will cause the site to restart. The reasons for the record restart are:

File Change Notification Error in D:\projects\TestWebApp\TestWeb\app_code

Change Notification for critical directories.

App_Code dir change or directory rename

Creating or deleting a new cs file under the App_Code folder will cause the site to restart, for the following reasons:

Change Notification for critical directories. App_Code dir change or directory rename

9. Any modification to the critical path will cause the site to restart. The critical path includes:

bin, App_Code, Web References,App_Browsers,App_GlobalResources,App_LocalResources

10. In addition, the scanning of files by anti-virus software may cause the process to mistake files or change the critical path, which may also cause restart.

The above are the 10 reasons I summarized that led to the restart of site. In general, there are three aspects that can cause a site restart: 1. The IIS configuration changes; 2. On the other hand, configuration files related to,global documents, aspx, ascx,master and other types of files have changed; The third aspect is the change of critical path bin, app_Code, Web References,App_Browsers,App_GlobalResources,App_LocalResources.

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