Large portal site implementation of the fourteen technical summary

  • 2020-05-10 17:59:58
  • OfStack

1. Full-text search
Lecene framework < Research and implementation of search engine based on LUCENE >
2. The cache
Implement page-level URL caching < Effective URL caching based on web crawlers >
Generate static files
For example, a home page may be composed of multiple parts, and each module generates a static file, which is then assembled using the server-side SSI technology. The default suffix is.shtml
4. Static files are distributed on separate servers
CSS, JS, images, files, etc., use 1 Apache server to process requests
5. Distributed development
Data synchronization between servers, like the synchronization of server data in sina 1 sample distribution area; Easy to use server integration, the server can be divided into: WEB server, Session server, database server, static file server, etc., one WEB service may be integrated by several 10 machines after the common service, the use of load balancer
6. Split the database
Split of database tables and split of database table fields
7. Search engine optimization
8. Access monitoring
9. Unit tests, high concurrent access tests
10. Making development documents
E-R diagram, class diagram, requirements specification, detailed design specification, data dictionary, etc. E-R diagram
The E-RE-R diagram, also known as the entity-connection diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram), provides a way to represent entity types, properties, and associations, and describes a conceptual model of the real world. E-R method: short for "entity-contact method" (Entity-Relationship Approach). It is an effective way to describe the conceptual structure model of the real world. The basic elements that constitute the E-R diagram are entity type, attribute and association. The representation method is as follows: · entity type (Entity) : entities with the same attributes have the same characteristics and properties, and the entity name and its attribute name set are used to abstract and depict similar entities; In the E-R diagram, the entity name is indicated in the rectangle. For example, student zhang sanfeng, student li xunhuan are entities. If it's a weak entity, put a solid rectangle over the rectangle. · property (Attribute) : a property possessed by an entity. An entity can be characterized by several properties. In the E-R diagram, it is represented by an ellipse and connected with the corresponding entity by an undirected edge. Such as the student's name, student number, gender, are attributes. If it is multi-valued, cover the ellipse with a solid line. If it is derived, it is represented by a dotted ellipse. · connections (Relationship) : connections, also known as relationships, reflect connections within or between entities in the information world. The relation inside the entity usually refers to the relation between the various attributes that compose the entity. The relation between entities usually refers to the relation between different sets of entities. In the E-R diagram, a rhomboid is used. The rhomboid box is used to indicate the name of the connection, and an undirected edge is used to connect the entity concerned, and the type of the connection is marked next to the undirected edge (1:1, 1:n or m: n). For example, there is a teaching relationship between teachers and students, and there is a course selection relationship between students and students. If it's a weak entity then you put a diamond on top of the diamond. Steps for drawing E-R:
(1) identify all the entities set 2 choice entity set should contain attributes (3) determine the connection between the entity set (4) determine the keywords of entity set, use the underline in the attributes of key words, the combination of 5] determine the type of contact, the thread will contact said the diamond frame relates to the entity set, is indicated by the online 1 or n (more) to represent the contact type
101. Dynamic deployment
The use of tools such as Ant
102. Form submission validation
Client side validation and server side validation, there is one point to note and explain is: after the server side validation failed, to return to the page before the client form submission, and the client before the submission input all the information displayed, to prompt the customer where the error so that it can be modified. It is better to be able to define some global validation rules, if E-mail validation
103. Use of the AJAX asynchronous invocation technique
Mask layer is used to apply partial data validation if the login name is loaded to wait for the message prompt
104. Backup of various data
Have a separate backup server, to achieve the synchronous backup of data

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