A class commonly used in ASP.NET to output JS scripts

  • 2020-05-09 18:23:02
  • OfStack

The code of the whole program is as follows:
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Web.UI; 
/// <summary> 
///  The pop-up JavaScript A small window  
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="js"> Window information </param> 
public static void Alert(string message, Page page) 
string js = @"<Script language='JavaScript'> 
alert('" + message + "');</Script>"; 
if (!page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(page.GetType(), "alert")) 
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "alert", js); 

/// <summary> 
///  The message box pops up and goes to the new one URL 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="message"> The message content </param> 
/// <param name="toURL"> Connection address </param> 
public static void AlertAndRedirect(string message, string toURL, Page page) 
string js = "<script language=javascript>alert('{0}');window.location.replace('{1}')</script>"; 
//HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(string.Format(js, message, toURL)); 
if (!page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(page.GetType(), "AlertAndRedirect")) 
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "AlertAndRedirect", string.Format(js, message, toURL)); 

/// <summary> 
///  Back to history  
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="value">-1/1</param> 
public static void GoHistory(int value, Page page) 
string js = @"<Script language='JavaScript'> 
//HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(string.Format(js, value)); 
if (!page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(page.GetType(), "GoHistory")) 
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "GoHistory", string.Format(js, value)); 

/// <summary> 
///  Close the current window  
/// </summary> 
public static void CloseWindow() 
string js = @"<Script language='JavaScript'> 

/// <summary> 
///  Refresh the parent window  
/// </summary> 
public static void RefreshParent(string url, Page page) 
string js = @"<Script language='JavaScript'> 
window.opener.location.href='" + url + "';window.close();</Script>"; 
if (!page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(page.GetType(), "RefreshParent")) 
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "RefreshParent", js); 

/// <summary> 
///  Refresh open window  
/// </summary> 
public static void RefreshOpener(Page page) 
string js = @"<Script language='JavaScript'> 
if (!page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(page.GetType(), "RefreshOpener")) 
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "RefreshOpener", js); 

/// <summary> 
///  Opens a new form of the specified size  
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="url"> address </param> 
/// <param name="width"> wide </param> 
/// <param name="heigth"> high </param> 
/// <param name="top"> The first position </param> 
/// <param name="left"> Left position </param> 
public static void OpenWebFormSize(string url, int width, int heigth, int top, int left, Page page) 
string js = @"<Script language='JavaScript'>window.open('" + url + @"','','height=" + heigth + ",width=" + width + ",top=" + top + ",left=" + left + ",location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,directories=no');</Script>"; 
if (!page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(page.GetType(), "OpenWebFormSize")) 
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "OpenWebFormSize", js); 

/// <summary> 
///  Turn to Url Set pages  
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="url"> Connection address </param> 
public static void JavaScriptLocationHref(string url, Page page) 
string js = @"<Script language='JavaScript'> 
js = string.Format(js, url); 
if (!page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(page.GetType(), "JavaScriptLocationHref")) 
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "JavaScriptLocationHref", js); 

/// <summary> 
///  Opens the mode dialog box for the specified size and location  
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="webFormUrl"> Connection address </param> 
/// <param name="width"> wide </param> 
/// <param name="height"> high </param> 
/// <param name="top"> Distance up position </param> 
/// <param name="left"> Distance left </param> 
public static void ShowModalDialogWindow(string webFormUrl, int width, int height, int top, int left, Page page) 
string features = "dialogWidth:" + width.ToString() + "px" 
+ ";dialogHeight:" + height.ToString() + "px" 
+ ";dialogLeft:" + left.ToString() + "px" 
+ ";dialogTop:" + top.ToString() + "px" 
+ ";center:yes;help=no;resizable:no;status:no;scroll=yes"; 
ShowModalDialogWindow(webFormUrl, features, page); 
/// <summary> 
///  Pop up modal window  
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="webFormUrl"></param> 
/// <param name="features"></param> 
public static void ShowModalDialogWindow(string webFormUrl, string features, Page page) 
string js = ShowModalDialogJavascript(webFormUrl, features); 
if (!page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(page.GetType(), "ShowModalDialogWindow")) 
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "ShowModalDialogWindow", js); 
/// <summary> 
///  Pop up modal window  
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="webFormUrl"></param> 
/// <param name="features"></param> 
/// <returns></returns> 
public static string ShowModalDialogJavascript(string webFormUrl, string features) 
string js = @"<script language=javascript> 
showModalDialog('" + webFormUrl + "','','" + features + "');</script>"; 
return js; 

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