The solution to the problem of loading VS first and then IIS

  • 2020-05-07 19:29:22
  • OfStack

Previously, after installing the Microsoft.NET Framework software development kit (SDK) or Visual Studio.NET, an Internet information service (IIS) map was created to correlate the new file extension and Settings for ASP.NET. These Settings will not be correct if IIS is not installed when running the SDK or Visual Studio installer, or if IIS is uninstalled and reinstalled after running the SDK or Visual Studio installer. An unexpected phenomenon occurs when you try to view page ASP.NET.
This includes the order in which Visualstudio and iis are installed, i.e., if you install iis after installing Visualstudio2005 or re-uninstall iis
This will cause iis to lose its mapping to, which means that does not exist or is not supported in iis
So in "open Visualstudio.net2005 write an application is Visualstudio.net2005, but it says that my is not version 2.0, configuration information cannot be found in iis"
To fix the IIS map for ASP.NET, follow these steps:

1. Run Aspnet_regiis.exe utility:

a. Click start, and then click run.
b. In the open box, type cmd, then press Enter.
c. At the command prompt, type the following command, then press Enter key: "%windir%\ Microsoft.NET \Framework\ version \ aspnet_regiis.exe "-i
In this path, the version represents the version number of.NET Framework installed on the server. When you type this command, you must replace this placeholder with the actual version number

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