Two schemes of Android View event anti shake

  • 2021-12-12 05:32:36
  • OfStack

Two schemes of directory Invasive anti-shake treatment (NoShakeClickListener) Java version Kotlin version RxJava2 clickExt. kt non-invasive anti-shake processing (NoShakeClickListener2) Features: Practical cases

Two options

Intrusive anti-shake treatment (NoShakeClickListener) implements View. OnClickListener Non-invasive anti-shake treatment (NoShakeClickListener2) not implements View. OnClickListener

Invasive anti-shake treatment (NoShakeClickListener)

1. It is suitable for both single View event anti-shake and ItemView event anti-shake in Adapter

2. If the event is jump to new Activity, the Activity startup model should be android: launchMode = "singleTop"

Java version

public abstract class NoShakeClickListener implements View.OnClickListener {

  private long mTimeInterval = 500L;
   *  Recently 1 Time of the second click 
  private long mLastClickTime;
   *  Recently 1 The control that is clicked next time ID
  private int mLastClickViewId;

  public NoShakeClickListener() {

  public NoShakeClickListener(long interval) {
    this.mTimeInterval = interval;

  public void onClick(View v) {
    final boolean isFastClick = isFastDoubleClick(v, this.mTimeInterval);
    if (isFastClick) {
    } else {

   *  Is it a quick click 
   * @param v     Clicked controls 
   * @param interval  Time interval (milliseconds) 
   * @return true: Yes, false: No 
  private boolean isFastDoubleClick(View v, long interval) {
    int viewId = v.getId();
    long nowTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long timeInterval = Math.abs(nowTime - mLastClickTime);
    if (timeInterval < interval && viewId == mLastClickViewId) {
      //  Quick click event 
      return true;
    } else {
      //  Single click event 
      mLastClickTime = nowTime;
      mLastClickViewId = viewId;
      return false;
  protected void onFastClick(View v) {}
  protected abstract void onSingleClick(View v);

Can be abbreviated as

public abstract class NoShakeListener implements OnClickListener {
  private long mLastClickTime = 0;
  private boolean isFastDoubleClick() {
    long nowTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (Math.abs(nowTime - mLastClickTime) < 500) {
      return true; //  Quick click event 
    } else {
      mLastClickTime = nowTime;
      return false; //  Single click event 
  public void onClick(View v) {
    if (isFastDoubleClick()) {
    } else {
  protected void onFastClick(View v) {
  protected abstract void onSingleClick(View v);

Kotlin version

abstract class NoShakeClickListener @JvmOverloads constructor(interval: Long = 500L) : View.OnClickListener {

  private var mTimeInterval = 500L
  private var mLastClickTime: Long = 0  // Recently 1 Time of the second click 
  private var mLastClickViewId = 0    // Recently 1 The control that is clicked next time ID

  init {
    mTimeInterval = interval

  override fun onClick(v: View) {
    if (isFastDoubleClick(v, mTimeInterval)) onFastClick(v) else onSingleClick(v)

   *  Is it a quick click 
   * @param v     Clicked controls 
   * @param interval  Time interval (milliseconds) 
   * @return true: Yes, false: No 
  private fun isFastDoubleClick(v: View, interval: Long): Boolean {
    val viewId =
    val nowTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val timeInterval = abs(nowTime - mLastClickTime)
    return if (timeInterval < interval && viewId == mLastClickViewId) {
      //  Quick click event 
    } else {
      //  Single click event 
      mLastClickTime = nowTime
      mLastClickViewId = viewId

  protected open fun onFastClick(v: View?) {}
  protected abstract fun onSingleClick(v: View?)

Almost forgot... the corresponding extension function:

fun View?.noShake(block: (v: View?) -> Unit) {
  this?.apply {
    setOnClickListener(object : NoShakeClickListener() {
      override fun onSingleClick(v: View?) {

RxJava2 clickExt.kt

inline fun <T : View> T.noShake(crossinline listener: T.() -> Unit) = this.noShake(1000, listener)

inline fun <T : View> T.noShake(windowDuration: Long = 500, crossinline listener : T.() -> Unit) =
    .throttleFirst(windowDuration, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    .subscribe(object : Observer<Any> {
      override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) {}
      override fun onError(e: Throwable) {}
      override fun onComplete() {}
      override fun onNext(o: Any) {

Non-invasive anti-shake treatment (NoShakeClickListener2)


1. Remove the dependence on View. OnClickListener, and continue to deal with event anti-shake without destroying the OnClickListener set in the original code;

2 supports simple handling of events and generic callbacks

 *  Event anti-shake 
 *  Note :  Not only applies to  View ,  Other controls such as : MenuItem  Be equally applicable 
 * 1. Applicable to a single `View` Event anti-shake ,  It also applies to `Adapter` Medium `ItemView` Event anti-shake 
 * 2. If the event is to jump to a new `Activity`,  The `Activity` The startup model should be `android:launchMode="singleTop"`
open class NoShakeClickListener2 @JvmOverloads constructor(interval: Long = 500L) {

  private var mTimeInterval = 500L
  private var mLastClickTime: Long = 0  // Recently 1 Time of the second click 
  private var mLastClick: Any? = null  // Recently 1 The control that is clicked next time  View or MenuItem ...

  init {
    mTimeInterval = interval

  fun proceedClick() {
    if (isFastClick(null, mTimeInterval)) onFastClick(null) else onSingleClick(null)

  fun <T> proceedClick(item: T?) {
    if (isFastClick(item, mTimeInterval)) onFastClick(item) else onSingleClick(item)

   *  Is it a quick click 
   * @param item    Clicked controls  View or MenuItem ...
   * @param interval  Time interval (milliseconds) 
   * @return true: Yes, false: No 
  private fun <T> isFastClick(item: T?, interval: Long): Boolean {
    val nowTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val timeInterval = abs(nowTime - mLastClickTime)
    return if (timeInterval < interval && item == mLastClick) {
      //  Quick click event 
    } else {
      //  Single click event 
      mLastClickTime = nowTime
      mLastClick = item

  protected open fun onFastClick(item: Any?) {}
  protected open fun onSingleClick(item: Any?) {}

Practical case

1 Easy to use

// Quick click event 
val fastClick=object :NoShakeClickListener2(){
  override fun onFastClick(item: Any?) {
    // At this time  item == null
    Log.e("123", "onFastClick Click")
BottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener {

2 Return parameters

// Quick click event 
val fastClick=object :NoShakeClickListener2(){
  override fun onFastClick(item: Any?) {
    // At this time  item == null  For  proceedClick(it)  In  it
    Log.e("123", "onFastClick Click")
BottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener {

The above is the Android View event anti-shake two schemes detailed content, more about Android View event anti-shake information please pay attention to other related articles on this site!

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