Android encapsulation encapsulates the native Log

  • 2021-12-05 07:28:49
  • OfStack

I won't talk too much, let's just look at the code ~

package com.zjx.taobaounion.utils;
import android.util.Log;
public class LogUtils {
 private static int currentLev = 4; //  Current log Rank   Control this level after going online   You can reduce Log Output of 
 private static final int DEBUG_LEV = 4; // debug  Rank 
 private static final int INFO_LEV = 3; // info  Rank 
 private static final int WARNING_LEV = 2; // warning  Rank 
 private static final int ERROR_LEV = 1; // error  Rank 
 public static void d(Class clazz,String log){
  if (currentLev >= DEBUG_LEV) {
   //  If the currently set level   Greater than or equal to  debug Rank   Then it proves that it is not masked at present debug Adj. log Output 
 public static void i(Class clazz,String log){
  if (currentLev >= INFO_LEV) {
   //  If the currently set level   Greater than or equal to  info  Then it proves that it is not masked at present info Adj. log Output 
 public static void w(Class clazz,String log){
  if (currentLev >= WARNING_LEV) {
   //  If the currently set level   Greater than or equal to  warning  Then it proves that it is not masked at present warning Adj. log Output 
 public static void e(Class clazz,String log){
  if (currentLev >= ERROR_LEV) {
   //  If the currently set level   Greater than or equal to  error  Then it proves that it is not masked at present error Adj. log Output 

Additional knowledge: android log file LogUtils


This is a long time ago in the network to find a common class, has forgotten the original link, but feel very good to use 1 straight in use, can log written to file inside can also locate you in which class which 1 line print log, save to the file path is android/data/your package name/files/directory, and then we can find problems happily

import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import com.smartlink.suixing.App;
import com.smartlink.suixing.BuildConfig;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Locale;
public class LogUtils {
	public static String			customTagPrefix	= "log";	//  Customize Tag The prefix of, which can be the author name 
	private static final boolean	isSaveLog		= true;		//  Do you want to save the log to SD Card 
	private static String			cacheDirPath;
	private LogUtils() {
	//  The type of log allowed to be printed, the default is true Is set to false Do not print 
	public static boolean	allowD		= BuildConfig.DEBUG;
	public static boolean	allowE		= BuildConfig.DEBUG;
	public static boolean	allowI		= BuildConfig.DEBUG;
	public static boolean	allowV		= BuildConfig.DEBUG;
	public static boolean	allowW		= BuildConfig.DEBUG;
	public static boolean	allowWtf	= BuildConfig.DEBUG;
	// public static boolean allowD = true;
	// public static boolean allowE = true;
	// public static boolean allowI = true;
	// public static boolean allowV = true;
	// public static boolean allowW = true;
	// public static boolean allowWtf = true;
	private static String generateTag(StackTraceElement caller) {
		String tag = "%s.%s(Line:%d)"; //  Placeholder 
		String callerClazzName = caller.getClassName(); //  Get to the class name 
		callerClazzName = callerClazzName.substring(callerClazzName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
		tag = String.format(tag, callerClazzName, caller.getMethodName(), caller.getLineNumber()); //  Replace 
		tag = TextUtils.isEmpty(customTagPrefix) ? tag : customTagPrefix + ":" + tag;
		return tag;
	 *  The print console can't display that long log problem 
	 * @param msg
	public static void logE(String msg) { //  The message is too long , Sectional printing 
		if (!allowE) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		//  Because String Adj. length The number of characters is not the number of bytes, so in order to prevent too many Chinese characters, 
		//  Put 4*1024 Adj. MAX Byte print length changed to 2001 Number of characters 
		int max_str_length = 2001 - tag.length();
		//  Greater than 4000 Hour 
		while (msg.length() > max_str_length) {
			// Log.e(tag, msg.substring(0, max_str_length));
			LogUtils.e(msg.substring(0, max_str_length));
			msg = msg.substring(max_str_length);
		//  The remainder 
		// Log.e(tag, msg);
	 *  Custom logger
	public static CustomLogger customLogger;
	public interface CustomLogger {
		void d(String tag, String content);
		void d(String tag, String content, Throwable tr);
		void e(String tag, String content);
		void e(String tag, String content, Throwable tr);
		void i(String tag, String content);
		void i(String tag, String content, Throwable tr);
		void v(String tag, String content);
		void v(String tag, String content, Throwable tr);
		void w(String tag, String content);
		void w(String tag, String content, Throwable tr);
		void w(String tag, Throwable tr);
		void wtf(String tag, String content);
		void wtf(String tag, String content, Throwable tr);
		void wtf(String tag, Throwable tr);
	public static void d(String content) {
		if (!allowD) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.d(tag, content);
		} else {
			Log.d(tag, content);
	public static void d(String content, Throwable tr) {
		if (!allowD) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.d(tag, content, tr);
		} else {
			Log.d(tag, content, tr);
	public static void e(String content) {
		if (!allowE) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.e(tag, content);
		} else {
			Log.e(tag, content);
		if (isSaveLog) {
			point(cacheDirPath, tag, content);
	public static void e(String content, Throwable tr) {
		if (!allowE) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.e(tag, content, tr);
		} else {
			Log.e(tag, content, tr);
		if (isSaveLog) {
			point(cacheDirPath, tag, tr.getMessage());
	public static void e(Throwable tr) {
		if (!allowE) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.e(tag, "", tr);
		} else {
			Log.e(tag, "", tr);
		if (isSaveLog) {
			point(cacheDirPath, tag, tr.getMessage());
	public static void i(String content) {
		if (!allowI) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.i(tag, content);
		} else {
			Log.i(tag, content);
	public static void i(String content, Throwable tr) {
		if (!allowI) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.i(tag, content, tr);
		} else {
			Log.i(tag, content, tr);
	public static void v(String content) {
		if (!allowV) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.v(tag, content);
		} else {
			Log.v(tag, content);
	public static void v(String content, Throwable tr) {
		if (!allowV) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.v(tag, content, tr);
		} else {
			Log.v(tag, content, tr);
	public static void w(String content) {
		if (!allowW) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.w(tag, content);
		} else {
			Log.w(tag, content);
	public static void w(String content, Throwable tr) {
		if (!allowW) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.w(tag, content, tr);
		} else {
			Log.w(tag, content, tr);
	public static void w(Throwable tr) {
		if (!allowW) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {
			customLogger.w(tag, tr);
		} else {
			Log.w(tag, tr);
	public static void wtf(String content) {
		if (!allowWtf) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {, content);
		} else {, content);
	public static void wtf(String content, Throwable tr) {
		if (!allowWtf) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {, content, tr);
		} else {, content, tr);
	public static void wtf(Throwable tr) {
		if (!allowWtf) return;
		StackTraceElement caller = getCallerStackTraceElement();
		String tag = generateTag(caller);
		if (customLogger != null) {, tr);
		} else {, tr);
	private static StackTraceElement getCallerStackTraceElement() {
		return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[4];
	public static void point(String path, String tag, String msg) {
		if (isSDAva()) {
			path = cacheDirPath;
			Date date = new Date();
			SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("", Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE);
			path = path + dateFormat.format(date) + "/";
			path += dateFormat.format(date) + "/";
			path += dateFormat.format(date) + ".log";
			dateFormat.applyPattern("[yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss]");
			String time = dateFormat.format(date);
			File file = new File(path);
			if (!file.exists()) createDipPath(path);
			BufferedWriter out = null;
			try {
				out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file, true)));
				out.write(time + " " + tag + " " + msg + "\r\n");
			} catch (Exception e) {
			} finally {
				try {
					if (out != null) {
				} catch (IOException e) {
	 *  According to the file path   Recursive file creation 
	 * @param file
	public static void createDipPath(String file) {
		String parentFile = file.substring(0, file.lastIndexOf("/"));
		File file1 = new File(file);
		File parent = new File(parentFile);
		if (!file1.exists()) {
			try {
				LogUtils.e(" The path to the log file is " + file1.getAbsolutePath());
			} catch (IOException e) {
	 * A little trick to reuse a formatter in the same thread
	private static class ReusableFormatter {
		private Formatter		formatter;
		private StringBuilder	builder;
		public ReusableFormatter() {
			builder = new StringBuilder();
			formatter = new Formatter(builder);
		public String format(String msg, Object... args) {
			formatter.format(msg, args);
			String s = builder.toString();
			return s;
	private static final ThreadLocal<ReusableFormatter> thread_local_formatter = new ThreadLocal<ReusableFormatter>() {
		protected ReusableFormatter initialValue() {
			return new ReusableFormatter();
	public static String format(String msg, Object... args) {
		ReusableFormatter formatter = thread_local_formatter.get();
		return formatter.format(msg, args);
	public static boolean isSDAva() {
		if (cacheDirPath == null) cacheDirPath = App.getAppContext().getExternalFilesDir("log").getAbsolutePath();
		if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(cacheDirPath)) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

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