Detailed explanation about AndroidQ can't get imsi solution

  • 2021-11-13 18:15:38
  • OfStack

Android Q prohibits obtaining IMEI and device serial number;

The official solution is as follows:

Combined with the official implementation scheme and actual needs, the implementation method is as follows:

Option 1:

 *  Get device only 1 Identifier 
 * @return  Only 1 Identifier 
public static String getDeviceId() {
  //  Pass  SharedPreferences  Get  GUID
  String guid = SPUtils.getInstance().getString(AppConfig.SP_GUID);
  if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(guid)) {
    return guid;
  //  Get  ANDROID_ID
  String android_id = Settings.System.getString(
      App.getApp().getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
  if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(android_id)) {
    //  Pass  ANDROID_ID  Generate  guid (Only 1 Identifier) 
    guid = EncryptUtils.encryptMD5ToString(android_id);
  } else {
    //  Pass  UUID  Generate  guid (Only 1 Identifier) 
    guid = EncryptUtils.encryptMD5ToString(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
  //  Save  guid  To  SharedPreferences
  SPUtils.getInstance().put(AppConfig.SP_GUID, guid);
  return guid;

The above SPUtils is a tool class of SharedPreferences encapsulated by itself.

Option 2:

 *  Get device only 1 Identifier 
 * @return  Only 1 Identifier 
public static String getDeviceId() {
  String m_szDevIDShort = "35" + Build.BOARD.length() % 10
      + Build.BRAND.length() % 10 + Build.CPU_ABI.length() % 10
      + Build.DEVICE.length() % 10 + Build.DISPLAY.length() % 10
      + Build.HOST.length() % 10 + Build.ID.length() % 10
      + Build.MANUFACTURER.length() % 10 + Build.MODEL.length() % 10
      + Build.PRODUCT.length() % 10 + Build.TAGS.length() % 10
      + Build.TYPE.length() % 10 + Build.USER.length() % 10;// 13  Bit 

  String serial = "serial";//  Default serial Can be defined at will 
  try {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
      if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(App.getApp(),
          Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        //  Due to  Android Q  Only 1 Changes in identifier permissions cause 
        // android.os.Build.getSerial()  Return  unknown,
        //  But  m_szDevIDShort  Is spelled out by hardware information, so it still guarantees UUID  The only 1 Sex and persistence. 
        serial = android.os.Build.getSerial();// Android Q  Returns from  unknown
    } else {
      serial = Build.SERIAL;
  } catch (Exception ignored) {
  return new UUID(m_szDevIDShort.hashCode(), serial.hashCode()).toString();

Because m_szDevIDShort is spelled out by hardware information, the uniqueness and durability of UUID are guaranteed.

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