Indicators for Android Performance Testing

  • 2021-11-13 02:49:41
  • OfStack

During the performance test, Some problems can directly lead to the user's utilization rate and uninstallation rate of the current app. If app is stuck seriously or loaded slowly, cpu has a high occupancy rate, which leads to app flashback and other problems, special attention should be paid to the performance experience during the test. app has good performance, ui has beautiful design, clear functional level and few path levels, which can improve users' utilization rate of app. The issues that can be paid attention to in performance test are as follows:

1. Connection timeout: The primary problem that app pays attention to. In mobile applications, the highest proportion of network error data reported is connection error timeout

2. Flash back: Click on a certain function point to flash back, and the customer's heart collapses

3. Caton, black and white screen:

4. Collapse: (excellent: 0 ~ 2%%, standard: 2 ~ 4%%, slight hidden danger: 4 ~ 12%%, serious hidden danger: more than 12%%) crash often appears

5. Cyber hijacking

6. Poor interactive performance: (excellent: 0 ~ 300ms, standard: 300ms ~ 400ms, slight hidden danger: 400ms ~ 1000ms, serious hidden danger: above 1000ms) telephone short message interference and low power increase

Wake up, push reminder, usb data cable plugging reminder, charging reminder

7. cpu Usage: Recommended value > 90%, if the cpu frequency is set too high, it will lead to overheating, which will lead to more serious power consumption. If the cpu frequency is set too low, it will lead to lag of the mobile phone, and slow application processing will also lead to power consumption, then it is excellent

It's good to avoid being unloaded

8. Memory leak: It means that you applied for a block of memory with malloc or new, but did not release the memory through free or delete, resulting in this block of memory being occupied directly

9. Bad interface: redundant interface exists but 1 straight is not used

10. Response time: (excellent: 0 ~ 400ms, standard: 400ms ~ 2000ms, slight hidden danger: 2000ms ~ 5000ms, serious hidden danger: above 5000ms). Please issue one HTTP for application

To find the host, the host return response time, can be divided into strong network and weak network, strong network is not introduced, weak network, such as elevator, subway network signal difference, app page 1 straight circle loading

The interface is stuck, and at the same time, the error prompt makes the user experience extremely poor.

11. Traffic occupancy: average traffic per second, recommended value < 5.12 kb, average flow per 10 minutes, recommended < 3MB, there are behaviors such as app stealing traffic. When users see app occupying traffic, such as you

app occupies the first place, and if the traffic runs outrageous, there is the possibility of decisive unloading

12. Power consumption: The brightness adjusted by the root mobile phone is related to the long-term use of app. If you play games, the power consumption is higher than that of ordinary app

13. FPS: FPS is greater than 18 frames, and the recommended value is greater than 90%

Summarized as:

1) Timeliness: Startup time/action response time/content loading time

2) Stability: Success rate of startup/operation/content loading

3) Resource consumption: cpu/memory/traffic

4) Power consumption: Runtime/standby power consumption under different networks

Good indicators of APP performance test:

Fast application start-up, UI feedback response timely, list scrolling operation smooth, memory use reasonable, no crash, etc

The above is about Android performance test indicators of all knowledge points, thank you for your study and support for this site.

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