Explanation of how Kotlin captures variables and constants in context

  • 2021-11-10 10:55:08
  • OfStack

Lambda expressions or anonymous functions can access or modify variables and constants in their context, a process known as capture.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
 // Definition 1 Function with a return value type of ()->List<String>
 fun makeList(ele: String): () -> List<String> {
  // Create 1 Object that contains no elements List
  var list: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
  fun addElement(): List<String> {
   // Toward list Add to the collection 1 Elements 
   return list
  return ::addElement

In the above example, the top one has one local function, which can access or modify the variables in its function.

Lambda expressions or anonymous functions hold a copy of the variables they capture, so apparently addElement () accesses the list set variables of makeList (), but addElement () holds a copy of the new list whenever the program returns a new addElement () function.

Lambda expression or anonymous function will hold a copy of the variables it captures, so on the surface, addElement () accesses list set variables of makeList () function, and as long as the program returns a new addElement () function, it will hold a new copy of list.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
 println("******add1 Returned List**********")
 val add1 = makeList(" Liu Bei ")

 println("******add2 Returned List**********")
 val add2 = makeList(" Guan Yu ")


********* List********** returned by add1
[Liu Bei]
[Liu Bei, Liu Bei]
********List********** add2 Returned List*****
[Guan Yu]
[Guan Yu, Guan Yu]


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