Talking about the statement of Android camera authority

  • 2021-10-13 08:31:25
  • OfStack

Recently, I wrote a project and found that after declaring the right to call the camera in AndroidManifest. xml, I couldn't start the camera by opening app. After a search, I found that:

The problem is that when the version of API used to write the project is too high (for example, the tester I used is android 5.0, while the API I used to write this project is 27, that is, android 7.0), APP cannot automatically request the hardware call permission from the system.


After activity initializes the layout, add the following code:

// Affirm 1 Permissions 
 requestPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.CAMERA, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, CAMERA_JAVA_REQUEST_CODE);

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