Analysis on the Number Attribution Inquiry of Android Mobile Guardian

  • 2021-07-06 11:47:17
  • OfStack

Using the millet number attribution database, there are two tables data1 and data2

First, query the data1 form and intercept the first 7 digits of the mobile phone number

select outkey from data1 where id= "Before 7 Bit mobile phone number " 

Then query the data2 table,

select location from data2 where id= "It was found out above outkey " 

You can use subqueries

select location from data2 where id=(select outkey from data1 where id= "Before 7 Bit mobile phone number " )

Create a database tool class

Create a new package xxx. db. dao

Create a new class NumberAddressUtils and a new static method queryNumber

Call the SQLiteDatabase. openDatabase () method to get the SQLiteDatabase object, parameters: database path (/data/data/package name/files/xxx. db), cursor factory (null), opening mode (SQLiteDatabse.OPEN_READONLY)

Copy the database address. db into the/data/data/package name/files/ directory

Call rawQuery () method of SQLiteDatabase object, get Cursor object, query data, parameter: sql statement, string [] condition array

For example: select location from data2 where id= (select outkey from data1 where id=? ), new String [] {phone. subString (0, 7)}

while loops the Cursor object and calls the moveToNext () method of the Cursor object conditionally

The getString () method of the Cursor object is called in the loop, passing in the field index

Close the close () method of the cursor Cursor object

Return the obtained address

Copy the database from the assets directory to the data directory

On the welcome page, make a copy

Call the getAssets (). open () method to get the InputStream object, parameter: xxx. db filename

Get File object, new comes out, parameter: getFilesDir () gets the/data/data/Package/files/directory, xxx. db

Get FileOutputStream object, new out, parameter: File object

Define buffer byte [] buffer, 1-1024

Define length len

while cyclic read, condition: read length is not-1

Calls the write () method of the FileOutputStream object in the loop, parameter: buffer, starting from 0, len length

Call the close () method of the InputStream object

Determines no copy as long as it exists and length is greater than 0, and calls exist () method and length () method of File object greater than 0

package com.qingguow.mobilesafe.utils;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
public class NumberQueryAddressUtil {
private static final String path = "/data/data/com.qingguow.mobilesafe/files/address.db";
*  Inquiry number attribution 
* @param phone
* @return
public static String queryAddress(String phone){
SQLiteDatabase db=SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(path, null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY);
Cursor cursor=db.rawQuery("select location from data2 where id=(select outkey from data1 where id=?)", new String[]{phone.substring(0,7)});
String address=cursor.getString(0);
return address;
return "";

Copy database

private void copyAddressDatabase() {
try {
// Judge whether it exists or not 
File file = new File(getFilesDir(), "address.db");
if (file.exists() && file.length() > 0) {
InputStream is = getAssets().open("address.db");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int len = 0;
while ((len = != -1) {
fos.write(buffer, 0, len);
} catch (Exception e) {

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The above content is this site to introduce to you Android mobile phone guard number attribution query related content, I hope to help you!

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