A log class on android with traceable code specific to a line of the function

  • 2020-05-07 20:27:27
  • OfStack

The code is as follows:

package xiaogang.enif.utils; 

* The Class LogUtils for log printing, which help us 
* easy to trace our codes or logics in the project . 
* @author zhao xiaogang 
* @time 2011.4.12 
public class LogUtils { 

private final static int VERBOSE = 0; 
private final static int DEBUG = 1; 
private final static int INFO = 2; 
private final static int WARN = 3; 
private final static int ERROR = 4; 
private final static int DEFAULT_LEVEL = -1; 

private int level; 

private final String clazz; 

private static final String TAG = "LogUtils"; 

public static LogUtils getDebugLog(Class<?> clazz, int l) { 
LogUtils log = new LogUtils(clazz); 
log.level = l; 
return log; 

public static LogUtils getLog(Class<?> clazz) { 
return new LogUtils(clazz); 

public LogUtils(Class<?> clazz) { 
this.clazz = "[" + clazz.getSimpleName() + "] "; 

public void verbose(String message) { 
verbose(message, null); 

public void debug(String message) { 
debug(message, null); 

public void info(String message) { 
info(message, null); 

public void warn(String message) { 
warn(message, null); 

public void error(String message) { 
error(message, null); 

public void verbose(String message, Throwable t) { 
if (VERBOSE < level) 
if (message != null) 
android.util.Log.v(TAG, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + message); 
if (t != null) 
android.util.Log.v(TAG, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + t.toString()); 

public void debug(String message, Throwable t) { 
if (DEBUG < level) 
if (message != null) 
android.util.Log.d(clazz, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + message); 
if (t != null) 
android.util.Log.d(clazz, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + t.toString()); 

public void info(String message, Throwable t) { 
if (INFO < level) 
if (message != null) 
android.util.Log.i(TAG, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + message); 
if (t != null) 
android.util.Log.i(TAG, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + t.toString()); 

public void warn(String message, Throwable t) { 
if (WARN < level) 
if (message != null) 
android.util.Log.w(TAG, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + message); 
if (t != null) 
android.util.Log.w(TAG, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + t.toString()); 

public void error(String message, Throwable t) { 
if (ERROR < level) 
if (message != null) 
android.util.Log.e(TAG, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + message); 
if (t != null) 
android.util.Log.e(TAG, clazz + " Line: " + getLineNumber() + " : " + t.toString()); 

private static int getLineNumber() { 
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[5].getLineNumber(); 

Easy to use, remember to praise, hey!

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