swift 3.0 realizes the countdown function of SMS verification code

  • 2020-05-27 07:18:18
  • OfStack

The following code is to share with you that swift 3.0 realizes the countdown function of SMS verification code. The specific example code is as follows:

class TCCountDown {
private var countdownTimer: Timer?
var codeBtn = UIButton()
private var remainingSeconds: Int = 0 {
  willSet {
    codeBtn.setTitle(" To obtain \(newValue) seconds ", for: .normal)
    if newValue <= 0 {
      codeBtn.setTitle(" Get verification code ", for: .normal)
      isCounting = false
var isCounting = false {
  willSet {
    if newValue {
      countdownTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(self.updateTime), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
      remainingSeconds = 60
      codeBtn.setTitleColor(BtnCodeColor, for: .normal)
    } else {
      countdownTimer = nil
      codeBtn.setTitleColor(MainColor, for: .normal)
    codeBtn.isEnabled = !newValue
@objc private func updateTime() {
  remainingSeconds -= 1
 // A method is called 
 var countDown = TCCountDown()// instantiation 
 countDown.isCounting = true// Open countdown 

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