Swift 3.0 subscript for basic learning

  • 2020-05-24 06:17:57
  • OfStack


Classes, structs, and enums can all define subscripts that provide quick access to data member elements of a collection, list, or sequence. You can use someArray[index] To access Array, use someDictionary[key] Come visit Dictionary.

One type can define multiple subscripts.

Define 1 subscript of get set:

subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
 get {
  // return an appropriate subscript value here
 set(newValue) {
  // perform a suitable setting action here

Define a subscript of read-only

subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
 // return an appropriate subscript value here


struct TimesTable {
 let multiplier: Int
 subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
  return multiplier * index
let threeTimesTable = TimesTable(multiplier: 3)
print("six times three is \(threeTimesTable[6])")
// Prints "six times three is 18"

You can also use multiple subscripts of any type, except for parameters of type in-out

struct Matrix {
 let rows: Int, columns: Int
 var grid: [Double]
 init(rows: Int, columns: Int) {
  self.rows = rows
  self.columns = columns
  grid = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: rows * columns)
 func indexIsValid(row: Int, column: Int) -> Bool {
  return row >= 0 && row < rows && column >= 0 && column < columns
 subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> Double {
  get {
   assert(indexIsValid(row: row, column: column), "Index out of range")
   return grid[(row * columns) + column]
  set {
   assert(indexIsValid(row: row, column: column), "Index out of range")
   grid[(row * columns) + column] = newValue

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