Some type conversion methods in Swift programming are explained in detail

  • 2020-05-14 05:00:32
  • OfStack

Verify the type 'cast' of an instance in Swift language programming. It is used to check whether an instance type belongs to a particular superclass or subclass or its own hierarchical definition.

Swift type conversion provides two operators: "is" to check the type of the value and "as" to convert the type value to a different type value. The type conversion also checks whether the instance type meets the specific protocol 1 conformance criteria.

Define a class hierarchy
Type conversions are used to check the type of an instance or whether it belongs to a specific type. In addition, examine the class and its subclass hierarchy to examine and transform these instances as one identical hierarchy.

class Subjects {
   var physics: String
   init(physics: String) {
      self.physics = physics
} class Chemistry: Subjects {
   var equations: String
   init(physics: String, equations: String) {
      self.equations = equations
      super.init(physics: physics)
} class Maths: Subjects {
   var formulae: String
   init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
      self.formulae = formulae
      super.init(physics: physics)
} let sa = [
   Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
   Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")]
let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")
let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)")

When we run the above program using playground, we get the following results.

Instance physics is: solid physics
Instance equation is: Hertz
Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics
Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz

Type checking
Do type checking using the 'is' operator. The 'is' operator checks if the type instance belongs to a particular subtype, and returns' true 'if it belongs to that instance, otherwise returns' false'.

class Subjects {
   var physics: String
   init(physics: String) {
      self.physics = physics
} class Chemistry: Subjects {
   var equations: String
   init(physics: String, equations: String) {
      self.equations = equations
      super.init(physics: physics)
} class Maths: Subjects {
   var formulae: String
   init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
      self.formulae = formulae
      super.init(physics: physics)
} let sa = [
   Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
   Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz"),
   Chemistry(physics: "Thermo physics", equations: "Decibels"),
   Maths(physics: "Astro Physics", formulae: "MegaHertz"),
   Maths(physics: "Differential Equations", formulae: "Cosine Series")]
let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")
let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)") var chemCount = 0
var mathsCount = 0
for item in sa {
   if item is Chemistry {
   } else if item is Maths {
} println("Subjects in chemistry contains \(chemCount) topics and maths contains \(mathsCount) topics")

When we run the above program using playground, we get the following results.

Instance physics is: solid physics
Instance equation is: Hertz
Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics
Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz
Subjects in chemistry contains 2 topics and maths contains 3 topics

Downcast subtypes can have two operators (e.g., as? And as!) . as & # 63; The value is nil and returns an optional value. It is used to check for successful down transitions.

"as!" Returns a forced unwrapping, such as an optional chain, and a downconversion returns an nil value. It is used to trigger runtime errors in the event of a downshift failure

class Subjects {
   var physics: String
   init(physics: String) {
      self.physics = physics
} class Chemistry: Subjects {
   var equations: String
   init(physics: String, equations: String) {
      self.equations = equations
      super.init(physics: physics)
} class Maths: Subjects {
   var formulae: String
   init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
      self.formulae = formulae
      super.init(physics: physics)
} let sa = [
   Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
   Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz"),
   Chemistry(physics: "Thermo physics", equations: "Decibels"),
   Maths(physics: "Astro Physics", formulae: "MegaHertz"),
   Maths(physics: "Differential Equations", formulae: "Cosine Series")]
let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")
let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)") var chemCount = 0
var mathsCount = 0 for item in sa {
   if let print = item as? Chemistry {
      println("Chemistry topics are: '\(print.physics)', \(print.equations)")
   } else if let example = item as? Maths {
      println("Maths topics are: '\(example.physics)',  \(example.formulae)")

When we run the above program using playground, we get the following results.

Instance physics is: solid physics
Instance equation is: Hertz
Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics
Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz
Chemistry topics are: 'solid physics', Hertz
Maths topics are: 'Fluid Dynamics', Giga Hertz
Chemistry topics are: 'Thermo physics', Decibels
Maths topics are: 'Astro Physics', MegaHertz
Maths topics are: 'Differential Equations', Cosine Series 

Type conversion: any with any object
To indicate that an instance belongs to any type, including a function type, use the "Any" keyword

class Subjects {
   var physics: String
   init(physics: String) {
      self.physics = physics
} class Chemistry: Subjects {
   var equations: String
   init(physics: String, equations: String) {
      self.equations = equations
      super.init(physics: physics)
} class Maths: Subjects {
   var formulae: String
   init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
      self.formulae = formulae
      super.init(physics: physics)
} let sa = [
   Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
   Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz"),
   Chemistry(physics: "Thermo physics", equations: "Decibels"),
   Maths(physics: "Astro Physics", formulae: "MegaHertz"),
   Maths(physics: "Differential Equations", formulae: "Cosine Series")]
let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")
let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)") var chemCount = 0
var mathsCount = 0 for item in sa {
   if let print = item as? Chemistry {
      println("Chemistry topics are: '\(print.physics)', \(print.equations)")
   } else if let example = item as? Maths {
      println("Maths topics are: '\(example.physics)',  \(example.formulae)")
} var exampleany = [Any]() exampleany.append(12)
exampleany.append("Example for Any")
exampleany.append(Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")) for print in exampleany {
   switch print {
   case let someInt as Int:
      println("Integer value is \(someInt)")
   case let someDouble as Double where someDouble > 0:
      println("Pi value is \(someDouble)")
   case let someString as String:
   case let phy as Chemistry:
      println("Topics '\(phy.physics)', \(phy.equations)")

When we run the above program using playground, we get the following results.

Instance physics is: solid physics
Instance equation is: Hertz
Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics
Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz
Chemistry topics are: 'solid physics', Hertz
Maths topics are: 'Fluid Dynamics', Giga Hertz
Chemistry topics are: 'Thermo physics', Decibels
Maths topics are: 'Astro Physics', MegaHertz
Maths topics are: 'Differential Equations', Cosine Series
Integer value is 12
Pi value is 3.14159
Example for Any
Topics 'solid physics', Hertz

To represent a class instance of any type, use the AnyObject "keyword

 class Subjects {
   var physics: String
   init(physics: String) {
      self.physics = physics
} class Chemistry: Subjects {
   var equations: String
   init(physics: String, equations: String) {
      self.equations = equations
      super.init(physics: physics)
} class Maths: Subjects {
   var formulae: String
   init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
      self.formulae = formulae
      super.init(physics: physics)
} let saprint: [AnyObject] = [Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
   Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz"),
   Chemistry(physics: "Thermo physics", equations: "Decibels"),
   Maths(physics: "Astro Physics", formulae: "MegaHertz"),
   Maths(physics: "Differential Equations", formulae: "Cosine Series")]
let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")
let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)") var chemCount = 0
var mathsCount = 0 for item in saprint {
   if let print = item as? Chemistry {
      println("Chemistry topics are: '\(print.physics)', \(print.equations)")
   } else if let example = item as? Maths {
      println("Maths topics are: '\(example.physics)',  \(example.formulae)")
} var exampleany = [Any]()
exampleany.append("Example for Any")
exampleany.append(Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")) for print in exampleany {
   switch print {
   case let someInt as Int:
      println("Integer value is \(someInt)")
   case let someDouble as Double where someDouble > 0:
      println("Pi value is \(someDouble)")
   case let someString as String:
   case let phy as Chemistry:
      println("Topics '\(phy.physics)', \(phy.equations)")

When we run the above program using playground, we get the following results.

Instance physics is: solid physics
Instance equation is: Hertz
Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics
Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz
Chemistry topics are: 'solid physics', Hertz
Maths topics are: 'Fluid Dynamics', Giga Hertz
Chemistry topics are: 'Thermo physics', Decibels
Maths topics are: 'Astro Physics', MegaHertz
Maths topics are: 'Differential Equations', Cosine Series
Integer value is 12
Pi value is 3.14159
Example for Any
Topics 'solid physics', Hertz

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