Tomcat Three Ways to Configure JNDI Data Sources

  • 2021-11-01 05:33:33
  • OfStack

In the course of my past work, the development server 1 was generally Tomcat

The configuration of data source is usually to configure one bean of dataSource in applicationContext. xml

Then modify the JNDI configuration at deployment time

I guess it's because the configuration of Tomcat needs to be changed to the configuration file

Unlike servers such as JBoss and Weblogic, JNDI data sources can be added directly in the management interface

Few people have studied its configuration

Recently did a small project, when the release version is compiled through ant jar package and then thrown to the test

Is the test uncle, taught him to modify the data source or when he didn't hear it

Weekend idle to bored, looked at a few Tomcat configuration tutorials, the following do some summary

Note: If your project is dropped directly under webapps, there is no Context node corresponding to the project in server. xml

Update: As some previous configurations come from the network, they are not very easy to use, so some updates have been made

A few personal evaluations were made for each method

PS: The following configuration has been tested under apache-tomcat-6. 0.35 and can access the database

First, a single application has exclusive data sources

In step 1, find server. xml of Tomcat, find Context node of the project, and add a private data source

<Context docBase="WebApp" path="/WebApp" reloadable="true" source="org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:WebApp">  
    driverClassName ="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"  

Advantages: Simple

Disadvantages: Poor reusability

Second, configure the global JNDI data source and apply it to a single application

In two steps

Step 1: Find the GlobalNamingResources node in server. xml of Tomcat, and add a global data source under the node

    driverClassName ="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"  
<script type="text/javascript"> </script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Step 2: Find the project Context node to apply this JNDI data source, and add the reference ResourceLink to the global data source

<Context docBase="WebApp" path="/WebApp" reloadable="true">  
    <ResourceLink global="jdbc/mysql" name="jdbc/mysql" type="javax.sql.DataSource" />  

Advantages: reusability and controllability

Disadvantages: Compared with the third method, the configuration is 1 point cumbersome, and every project has to be equipped

Third, configure the global JNDI data source and apply it to all applications deployed under Tomcat

It is also divided into two steps

Step 1

Refer to Step 1 of Type 2

Step 2: Find context. xml of Tomcat, and add an ResourceLink node under Context node to reference the data source configured in Step 1
The root node of this XML configuration file is < Context >

    <ResourceLink global="jdbc/mysql" name="jdbc/mysql" type="javax.sql.DataSource" />  

Advantages: Reusability and firmness are in place
Disadvantages: No controllability

Spring Reference to JNDI Data Source

Add an bean to applicationContext. xml to replace the original dataSource

<jee:jndi-lookup id="dataSource" jndi-name="jdbc/mysql" />  

Configuration of C3P0 Data Source

The values of type and factory changed

username= > user

url= > jdbcUrl

driverClassName= > driverClass

<Resource name="jdbc/mysql_c3p0" scope="Shareable"  
    jdbcUrl="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test" driverClass="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"  
    user="root" password="root" />  

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