Docker Configuration of redis Sentinel Mode on of Multiple Servers

  • 2021-10-11 20:06:06
  • OfStack

Directory Preface Condition Install Docker Configure redis Master-Slave Node


The redis1 you learned earlier runs on a single 1 server and is deployed directly on the server. I heard that using docker will make the configuration process easier (it doesn't). This time, configure Redis1 Master 1 Slave 3 Sentinel on the basis of using Docker. This article is to configure data nodes, that is, 1 master and 1 slave nodes.


3 servers (because at least 3 sentinels are required for security) "can be rented on Alibaba Cloud for several hours"

Server 1: 8.131. 78.18 Server 2: 8.131. 69.106 Server 3: 8.131. 71.196 Port numbers 7000, 17000 have been released on the security group (Alibaba Cloud) Environment: centos8.0

Installing Docker

Execute the following instructions line by line:

# 1.  Update the compilation environment 
yum -y install gcc

# 2.  Ibid. 
yum -y install gcc-c++

# 3.  Installation docker
# 3.1  Uninstall the old version 
yum remove docker \
   docker-client \
   docker-client-latest \
   docker-common \
   docker-latest \
   docker-latest-logrotate \
   docker-logrotate \
# 3.2  Installation package required for installation 
yum install -y yum-utils
# 3.3 Set up the mirror warehouse, it is recommended to use the domestic mirror, which is faster 
yum-config-manager \
 --add-repo \
# 3.4  Update yum Package index, which can cache packages locally 1 Portions 
yum makecache 
# 3.5  Installation docker Relative  docker-ce  Community edition 
yum install -y
# 3.6  Installation 
yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
# 3.7  Start docker
systemctl start docker
# 3.8  Set to background startup 
systemctl enable docker 
# 3.9  Use docker version Check to see if you follow the success 
docker version
# 3.10  Test (you can not do it) 
docker run hello-world
# 3.11  Uninstall and delete (for reference only, not this time) 
yum remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli
rm -rf /var/lib/docker

# 4.  Configure accelerator 
sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker
sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF'
 "registry-mirrors": [""]
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker

Configuring redis Master and Slave Nodes

The servers we use are Server 1 and Server 3 (originally 1 master and 2 slave, I turned off Server 2).

TIPS: For xshell, you can use the right-click to select the send key to enter to all sessions, so you don't need to configure it twice. Or use the scp statement to share the configured files with other servers:

# scp local_file remote_username@remote_ip:remote_folder
scp redis.conf root@

1. Create the folder first, be careful not to put it under the home path, otherwise it is easy for the container to fail because of permission problems. The directory I created is/blue/redis02, and the instructions are relatively simple:

cd /
mkdir blue && cd blue
mkdir redis02 && cd redis02

2. Dockerfile and Dockerfile were created to load the environment we needed.

vi Dockerfile

# Dockerfile The contents are as follows: 
#  Mirroring from the base redis Inheritance 
FROM redis

#  Will Dockerfile Copy the files in the directory to the container /usr/local/etc/redis Directory 
COPY redis.conf /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf

#  Installation 1 Some environment 
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y vim
RUN apt-get install procps --assume-yes

VOLUME ["/data"]

WORKDIR /etc/redis

#  Open port 7000

#  Startup using a configuration file 
CMD [ "redis-server", "/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf"]

3. Download one redis. conf from the official website and make the following modifications. redis. conf is one configuration of redis, which is basically the same as the configuration of redis1 master 1 slave 3 sentinel of stand-alone machine.

#  Comment out bind 
# bind

port 7000

#  If it is here, yes Will affect startup using configuration files 
daemonize no

pidfile /var/run/

#  You need to set the following two passwords, and the passwords should be 1 To 
requirepass testmaster123
masterauth testmaster123

#  Modify the protection mode, if it is yes Causes the external server to be inaccessible 
protected-mode no

#  For servers 3 , also need to add 1 Sentence , Indicates that it is a server 1 Slave server of  
# slaveof  Lord . Machine .I.P  Port 
slaveof 7000

4. After saving the above configuration, you can use the following statement to create an image. This process takes a long time and needs patience:

#  Should be used  docker build -t myredis .  It is more recognizable, but it was successful as a test, and I don't want to modify it. This sentence is based on our Dockerfile Create 1 A new mirror image. You can put him push Go to the warehouse so that you can pull it directly next time. 
docker build -t test .

5. Start the container with the following statement:

#  Startup container 
docker run -d -p 7000:7000 --name redis-test test

#  The following statement looks at the container in operation 
docker ps

# Enter the container 
docker exec -it redis-test /bin/bash

6. Inside the container, you can view running threads using the following statement:

#  View running threads 
ps -ef

#  Use redis Client access 7000 Port 
redis-cli -p 7000

#  Enter password 
auth testmaster123

#  View information 
info replication

#  The following is the information returned from the node 
# Replication

At this point, the master and slave nodes are successfully configured.

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