Summary of docker Common Commands

  • 2021-09-25 00:09:39
  • OfStack

docker Installation

1. Requirements: linux kernel 3.10 and above
Kernel version view:

uname -r

Kernel upgrade:

yun update

2. docker installation

yum install docker

3. docker version view

docker -v

4. docker startup

systemctl start docker

5. docker stops

systemctl stop docker

6. Set the startup to start docker

systemctl enable docker

docker Uninstall

View Software Installation

rpm -qa |grep -i docker


yum list installed | grep docker

Uninstall docker

yum remove docker*.x86_64

//Remove associated images and containers

yun update

docker Common Operations

1. Search:
docker search Keyword

docker search mysql

2. Pull
docker pull Mirror Name [: tag] (: tag is optional, refers to the version number, does not specify that tag is latest by default)

docker pull docker pull tomcat:8.0.18-jre7

3. View the local image

yun update

4. Delete the image

yun update

5. Run the container

yun update

Start tomcat:

yun update

Start mysql:

docker run --name mysql01 -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql:5.6

Start redis:

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis01 redis:4.0.12

Start RabbitMQ:

yun update

View the redis version under docker:

docker exec -it redis01 redis-server -v

-p: Port mapping, virtual machine port 8888 mapped to tomcat container port 8080
mytomcat: Is a custom name
-d: Indicates background running

6. View the containers running in docker

docker ps

7. View all containers in docker

docker ps -a

8. Stopped containers

docker stop container-id  Or   Container name 

9. Restart the container

docker start container-id

10. Delete the container (the container needs to be stopped)

docker rm container-id

11. View firewall status

service firewalld status
service firewalld stop : Turn off the firewall 

12. View the container log

docker logs container-id

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