Elasticsearch Using FAQ Solutions

  • 2021-09-25 00:07:31
  • OfStack

1. Use with redis1 will cause netty startup conflict, so you need to add a method in the ***Application entry file:

public void init() {
  // see Netty4Utils.setAvailableProcessors()
  System.setProperty("es.set.netty.runtime.available.processors", "false");

2. NoNodeAvailableException[None of the configured nodes are available: [{#transport#-1}{V4jtTT-tQQqULCNjSNSfgg}{}{}]


Replace the elasticsearch version corresponding to your spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch.

3. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: $ Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.


Modify the contents in the jvm. options file to read:

Replace-XX: + UseConcMarkSweepGC with-XX: + UseG1GC

Step 4 Delete users

You need to drop the user's process kill before deleting the user

pkill or kill-9 < pid >

Example: Delete user user

userdel user

Example: Delete user user and delete his working directory at the same time

userdel r user

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