Linux Use stty Display to Modify Terminal Line Settings

  • 2021-08-31 09:49:31
  • OfStack

stty is a common command for changing and printing terminal settings under linux.

1. Parameters:

1. Print terminal line settings

-a,--all prints all current settings in a human-readable manner; -The a parameter outputs more detailed terminal information than the stty command alone

-g,--save Print all current settings in stty readable mode

-F, --file=DEVICE Turn on and use a specific device (DEVICE) instead of standard input (stdin)

--help displays help and exits

--version displays version and exits

2: Usage

1. Number of rows and columns of stty size print terminal

2. Disable lowercase output at the command line

stty olcuc # ON
stty-olcuc # Recovery

3. Print out the number of rows and columns of the terminal

stty size

4. The method of changing ctrl+D:

stty eof "string"

The system defaults to ctrl+D to indicate the end of the file, which can be changed in this way!

5. Shielding display

stty-echo # No Echo
stty echo # Turn on Echo

Test method:

stty -echo;read;stty echo;read

6. Ignore carriage returns

stty igncr # ON
stty-igncr # Recovery

7. Use it to set up our serial port to print operation information.

stty -F /dev/ttyS0 speed 115200 cs8 -parenb -cstopb -echo

Explanation: Setting/dev/ttyS0 serial port through stty, baud rate is 115200, data bit cs8, parity bit-parenb, stop bit-cstopb, and-echo prohibits terminal echo.

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