nginx Extranet Access Site Configuration Operation

  • 2021-08-21 22:00:26
  • OfStack


Site is front-end separation: vue+springboot

Front-end intranet address: 192.168. 1.10:81

API Intranet Address: 192.168. 1.12: 8080

External domain name: abc. ab. com External IP: 10.114. X. X


The site can be accessed through the domain name and the static resources of the site can be accessed and the API request data can be accessed

Scheme 1: (Premise: Extranet domain name mapping server Extranet IP)

1. nginx configures domain name listening and accessing static resources

2. Here comes the point! ! ! The address of static resource request API is changed from 192.168. 1.12: 8080 to domain name access (abc. ab. com: 8080)

Just restart nginx

Other schemes will be put up after bloggers verify them! !

Supplementary knowledge: Realize reverse proxy with nginx, and realize the service of external network accessing internal network

Environment background, server is Ubuntu:

One server A that can connect public network and intranet, the address of IP of public network is 61.174. ×. ×, and the other server B of intranet is equipped with jenkins service, and the address of IP of intranet is 192.168. 3.12

Operation steps:

Installing nginx on A

sudo apt-get install nginx

After installation, go to the/etc/nginx/sites-enabled directory, open the files in the directory, change the default port number to 8085,

Then enter the/etc/nginx/conf. d directory and create a new file, jenkins. conf, with the following contents:

listen 8085;
location /{
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forward-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Nginx-Proxy true;
proxy_redirect off;

Then execute

sudo nginx -t

sudo nginx -s reload

If an error occurs:

nginx: [error] invalid PID number "" in "/run/"

Execute the

sudo nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Then visit 61.174. 171.61: 8085 on the public network to access the jenkins service on the intranet.

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