docker Installation php fpm Service and Extension and Configuration Sample Tutorial Details

  • 2021-08-12 04:01:03
  • OfStack

In mac Used brew Install php56 When, because openssl Yes 1.1 Version, resulting in various google I can't make a mistake. It's too tossing. Now use it docker Create 1 php56-fpm Service container, nginx Directly mounted on the host machine.

PHP DockerHub Home Page

Create a container

#  Create a container 
docker run -d \
--name php56-fpm \
-p 9056:9000 \
-v /home/wwwroot:/var/www/html


/var/www/html Yes brew0 The working directory of the mirror.

-v /home/wwwroot:/var/www/html Is to mount the host's site directory on the container. For example /home/wwwroot/siteA The access location in the container is /var/www/html/siteA .

nignx Forwarding php When requested, the name of the script that will be executed SCRIPT_NAME And script file name SCRIPT_FILENAME Forward to fpm , and then fpm To read the script execution.

In use fpm Container, you need to pay attention to nginx Forwarded SCRIPT_FILENAME Whether it is fpm Valid site path in the container, if nginx Adj. root Is not directly mapped to fpm Site of the container root , we need to php location Redefined as fpm Site of the container root . In this way fpm To read the script correctly.

That is, on the host machine openssl2 To turn into /var/www/html/siteA/public/index.php Send to fpm Container, otherwise it will be reported File not found The mistake.

So nginx Configure server Note the following volume path conversion when:

server {
 listen 8056;
 #  Site root directory of the host 
 root /home/wwwroot/siteA/public;
 location ~* (^[/]*.php)[/|$] {
 #  Site root directory in container 
 root /var/www/html/siteA/public;
 include fastcgi.conf;

But in 1 case, everyone is docker nginx + docker php-fpm , both containers 1 mapped the site directory, so there would be no such problem. Here's nginx Is directly installed on the host machine to cause nginx Forwarding php When requesting, you need to redefine the root directory of the next site.

Landing container

#  See if the container is running 
docker ps

#  Landing container 
docker exec -it php56-fpm /bin/bash

The docker image of the php is based on the ubuntu and we can use the tools required for the apt-get installation, such as vim/vi lrzsz net-tools and so on.

#  In use  apt-get  Installation 1 Before some tools, you need  update  Update 1 Downsource 
#  Otherwise it will  apt-get E: Unable to locate package
apt-get update
apt-get install vim

Install php/pecl extensions

Installing php extensions

That is, the official extension of php, such as shomp, which comes with it but does not open by default.

#  See which extensions come with you 
cd /usr/local/php/ext && ls -l
#  Installation extension 
dcoker-php-ext-install shmop

Installing pecl extensions

pecl is installed in the container, so you can install it directly by using pecl, and pay attention to extending the support for php version.

The primary purpose of docker-php-ext-enable is to generate the corresponding extension configuration file to/usr/local/etc/php/conf. d/docker-php-ext {extName}. ini facilitates php loading extensions.

# igbinary php5.6  The highest version is  2.0.8
pecl install igbinary-2.0.8
docker-php-ext-enable igbinary

# phpredis php5.6  The highest version is  4.3.0
pecl install redis-4.3.0
docker-php-ext-enable redis

# swoole php5.6  The highest version is  2.0.11
pcel install swoole-2.0.11
docker-php-ext-enable swoole

php/php-fpm Configuration

/usr/local/etc is the configuration directory of the php container, which contains the configuration files of php and php-fpm. The configuration directory structure is as follows:

root@aa739592b579:/usr/local# tree etc/ 
|-- pear.conf
|-- php # php  Configuration directory 
| |-- conf.d # php  Extended configuration 
| | |-- docker-php-ext-shmop.ini
| |-- php.ini # cp  Adj.  php.ini-development/production
| |-- php.ini-development
| |-- php.ini-production
|-- php-fpm.conf # php-fpm  Configuration of   Self-contained is mainly introduced  php-fpm.d
|-- php-fpm.conf.default # php-fpm  Configuration ontology   Same as  php-fpm.d/www.conf 1 To 
|-- php-fpm.d # php-fpm  Extended configuration of 
 |-- docker.conf
 |-- www.conf # php-fpm  Configuration ontology   Pattern ah  max/min children  Ah, it's all here 
 |-- zz-docker.conf

You can map the host's configuration directory to the/usr/local/etc of the container, but be careful that the host's configuration directory is the same as the existing one of the container, or edit the configuration file directly in the container. According to the concept of docker, we should maintain a configuration file on the host machine and map it to the configuration directory of the container, so as to give full play to the reusability of docker container.

Mapping the host's php configuration file to the container

-v /opt/docker/conf/php/php.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini
-v /opt/docker/conf/php/php-fpm.ini:/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www/conf

Frequently Asked Questions

1. File not found
The site root specified by nginx cannot be mapped directly to the fpm container, so re-specify the site root of the fpm container in location.
2. apt-get E: Unable to locate package
Execute apt-get update to refresh the source 1.
3. Relevant conventions of containers
Working directory:/var/www/html recommends mapping the host's site directory to this directory
Configuration directory:/usr/local/etc Note the configuration directory structure
php Extensions Directory:/usr/local/php/ext can view the extension packs that come with php. It is easier to install with docker-php-ext-install

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