Steps for Linux 6 to modify the default ssh remote port number

  • 2021-06-28 14:38:05
  • OfStack

The default ssh remote port for linux is 22. Sometimes the default port is scanned or attacked by unintentional people. To make our system more secure, we need to modify the remote port number.

Operation steps:

1. Modify ssh_config Profile

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

2. Line #Port 22 found in configuration file (default port 22)

3. Modify the line to the port number you want

Port 222 (Note: Remove the # before)

4. [Optional] If you want to add a port number to coexist (port 22 and 222 are valid simultaneously)

Port 22 (Note: No #before)
Port 222 (Note: No # in front)

5. Restart sshd service after leaving

/etc/init.d/sshd restart

If you have a firewall set up, you need to add a new port rule

6. Edit iptables file

vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables

7. Add 222 Port Rule

-A INPUT -m state  � state NEW -m tcp -p tcp  � dport 222 -j ACCEPT

8. Save and restart iptables service after exit

service iptables restart

9. Test connection and finish work.


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