linux to build go environment installation configuration explanation

  • 2021-01-19 22:35:31
  • OfStack

Setting up an go environment under linux is simple:

1. Download go1.2.1.linux-386.tar.gz, there are similar packages all over the Internet, and put them in linux directory.

taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ ls
a.out go1.2.1.linux-386.tar.gz test.cpp test.go

2. Switch to root user, unzip root, unzip and install, what a green software!

root@taogeqq-virtual-machine:/home/taogeqq/myspace# tar zxvf go1.2.1.linux-386.tar.gz -C /usr/local/

As you can see, there is an extra go directory in the directory:

root@taogeqq-virtual-machine:/home/taogeqq/myspace# ls /usr/local
bin etc games go include lib man sbin share src

At this point, the go environment has been installed and you can now exit the root user

test.go = test.go = test.go = test.go = test.go = test.

taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ ls
a.out go1.2.1.linux-386.tar.gz test.cpp test.go
taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ cat test.go
package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
  fmt.Println("hello world")
  fmt.Println("This is my first Go code")
taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ /usr/local/go/bin/go run test.go
hello world
This is my first Go code

The desired results were obtained.

There is a problem, we perform go run test. go try:

taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ go run test.go
 The program" go Not yet installed.   You can install it using the following command: 
sudo apt-get install golang-go

So, you can use sudo apt-get install golang-go 1 piece installation, as we talked about before apt-get The powerful.

Now that we have it installed, we can ignore it for now sudo apt-get install golang-go go run test go go go run test go Add the path to PATH and you'll get OK as follows:

taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ echo $PATH           
taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ vim /home/taogeqq/.bash_profile
taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ cat /home/taogeqq/.bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin/
taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ source /home/taogeqq/.bash_profile
taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ echo $PATH
taogeqq@taogeqq-virtual-machine:~/myspace$ go run test.go
hello world
This is my first Go code

Where /home/taogeqq is the home directory of taogeqq.

linux is fun to play with, NM's Windows registry, I'm really sick of it.


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