Method to modify the iTunes backup path under Windows

  • 2020-12-21 18:14:31
  • OfStack

0. Preparation:

The & # 8226; Close the itunes
The & # 8226; Kill services beginning with iTunes in task Manager

1, find iTunes default backup path :C:\Users\ AppData\Roaming\Apple \ Computer\MobileSync

xxx is the user name in

2. Delete the MobileSync folder in the default path. You can rename the folder if you have a backup before

3. Open CMD under win10

4. Run the following command :(according to the actual modification)

mklink/j "C:\Users\xthua\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync" "H:\MobileSync"

If there is an old backup after success, copy it to H:\MobileSync and reopen it

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